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Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

4 participants

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  TicToc Dim 18 Oct - 16:12

Un des nuancier les plus répandu en Europe RAL :

Mise en garde ! Les couleurs peuvent beaucoup changer d'un écran à l'autre, les couleurs présentées ici ne peuvent servir qu'a titre indicatif !!

Procurez-vous un nuancier dans un magasin de peintures pour choisir une couleur pour vos motos, cela sera plus sûr ! Mamheureusement ceux-ci sont chers.. Un vrais nuancier peux atteindre la somme de 250 euros... et 1000 euros un nuancier pour l'informatique... J'ai réuni ce que j'ai trouvé un peu partout...

Je vous propose d'utiliser ce topic pour indiquer les couleurs utilisées sur nos Timonos (et autres) à chaque fois que l'on aura trouvé les correspondances correctes.

Il y a un descritif pour les couleurs chaque modèles présent sur le forum dans divers topics :

SL : https://honda-125-sl-xl-cbs.actifforum.com/sl-f15/informations-diverses-sur-les-sl-t314.htm#2552
CBS : https://honda-125-sl-xl-cbs.actifforum.com/cbs-f16/informations-diverses-sur-les-cb-cbs-t315.htm#2553
XL : https://honda-125-sl-xl-cbs.actifforum.com/xl-f17/informations-diverses-sur-les-xl-t313.htm
XL---R, XL---S ; https://honda-125-sl-xl-cbs.actifforum.com/xls-r-xr-f1/informations-diverses-sur-les-xl-s-xl-r-xl-v-t312.htm
S3-CBN : à faire...
CG : https://honda-125-sl-xl-cbs.actifforum.com/cg-f19/information-diverses-sur-les-cg-t317.htm
TL-TLR : https://honda-125-sl-xl-cbs.actifforum.com/tous-modeles-f20/informations-diverses-sur-les-tl-tlr-t318.htm

RAL étant utilsé partout en Europe, cela sera plus facile pour retrouver les teintes originales.

Je tenterais aussi de faire des correspondances avec d'Autres nuanciers (genre le US Fédéral Color) pour pouvoir commander aussi aux US.
Comme ici : https://honda-125-sl-xl-cbs.actifforum.com/de-tout-autre-chose-f9/nuancier-ral-et-autres-code-couleurs-honda-t257.htm#1765

Pour la correspondance avec le nuancier Pentone, c'est là :

Les teintes et diverses informations sur toutes les bécanes du forum c'est là : https://honda-125-sl-xl-cbs.actifforum.com/de-tout-autre-chose-f9/nuancier-ral-et-autres-code-couleurs-honda-t257.htm#2023

Les Codes couleurs Honda c'est là : https://honda-125-sl-xl-cbs.actifforum.com/de-tout-autre-chose-f9/nuancier-ral-et-autres-code-couleurs-honda-t257.htm#2585

Pour le dernier message important en cour, voir ici : https://honda-125-sl-xl-cbs.actifforum.com/de-tout-autre-chose-f9/nuancier-ral-et-autres-pour-les-couleurs-de-nos-motos-t257.htm#2009

nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Rala

Edit : ce nuancier est en une seule image, vous pouvez l'enregistrer sur votre ordi en faisant un click droit de la souris et "Enregistrer l'image sous"...
Celui des correspondances entre RAL et pentone aussi.. Pentone est notamment utilisé dans Photoshop :

Pour les noms en francais :https://honda-125-sl-xl-cbs.actifforum.com/de-tout-autre-chose-f9/nuancier-ral-et-autres-code-couleurs-honda-t257.htm#2584

Un autre nuancier RAL en ligne : http://www.colovid.be/nuancierral.htm#2000

Dernière édition par TicToc le Dim 26 Déc - 16:08, édité 17 fois (Raison : Modif titre)

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  TicToc Lun 19 Oct - 3:05

Le nuancier US Federal color (en attendant de trouver une meilleur image) :

Les couleurs officielles commencent par FS.......

nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Federalcolor

Je sais, il faut des lunettes... je cherche mieux...

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  TicToc Jeu 22 Oct - 15:45

Bon, j'en fait appel au fofo pour avancer sur la fabrication d'une mini base de données sur les couleurs de nos motos.

Ceux qui ont les RMT de leurs bécanes seraient très obligés de bien vouloir regarder à la page concernant les teintes de leur trottinettes.

J'arrive pas à trouver sur le net une table correcte, et si je cherche moi même sur le net pour chaque modèles, j'en ai pour une dizaine d'années.

Regardez d'abord là pour confirmer ou infirmer le modèle exacte de vos machines suivant votre numéro de cadre :

Ensuite, donnez moi les références des couleurs indiquées dans vos RMT.

Je ferais une table, et tenterais ensuite, pour les couleurs connues, de faire un croisement avec les nuancier standards. et donnerais les valeur en RGB (composantes rouge bleu et verte) ou Pantone.

Et si l'on avais sur le fofo un anciens carrossier qui détenais encore quelques nuanciers ou catalogues, ou table de référence Honda, prendre contact en MP avec moi !

Ou, simplement aller demander a vos peintres préférés s'il n'ont pas de nuancier en trop, ou une photocopieuse pour les tables de référence.

Par avance, merci !

Edit : cela fait des jours que je cherche, et je sent que tout seul, ici du Japon, j'y arriverais pas...

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  TicToc Jeu 22 Oct - 16:03

Pour la Honta TLS125S j'ai : Série de cadre : TL125S-1003269- Carburateur PC04

NH-1 => Black
NH-24 => Seramic white
NH-44M-S = Special silver
YR-26 => Shiny orange

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  TicToc Jeu 22 Oct - 16:12

Pour la Honta TLR125 j'ai : Série de cadre : JD06-1004- Carburateur PC04-J

Couleurs :
Bleu : PB-109
Rouge : R110-D

J : numéros de série (Europe) : 5100002~ (électricité en 12V)
D: numéro de série (Europe) : 5000010~5000967 (électricité en 6V)

Merci francisou pour cette partie de RMT qui me manquais !

Dernière édition par TicToc le Ven 23 Oct - 13:49, édité 3 fois

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Couleurs des Honda !!

Message  TicToc Jeu 22 Oct - 16:28


SL125 :

1971 SL125K0
* It came in three available colors: Candy Emerald Green, Strato Blue Metallic, or Poppy Yellow Metallic
* On the green bikes, the tank stripe was white; but on the other colors, it was black
* The steel fenders are painted
* The tachometer was standard
* The bike had a 21" front wheel and a 18" rear wheel
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 122cc linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began SL125-1000001.

1972 SL125K1
* It came in only one color: Special Silver Metallic
* The gas tank stripe was red
* The "HONDA" gas tank decal was black
* The "125" side cover decal was red
* The gas tank, headlight shell, and side covers were silver
* The steel fenders are painted
* The tachometer was standard
* The bike had a 21" front wheel and a 18" rear wheel
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 122cc linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began SL125-1100001.

1973 SL125K2
* It came in only one color: Special Silver Metallic
* The gas tank stripe was red
* The "HONDA" gas tank decal was black
* The "125" side cover decal was red
* The steel fenders are painted
* The headlight shell and side covers were Matte Black
* The tachometer was standard
* The bike had a 21" front wheel and a 18" rear wheel
* The serial number began SL125-1200001.

SL175 :

1970 SL175K0 Motosport
* Three colors were available: Candy Topaz Orange, Candy Ruby Red, and Candy Sapphire Blue
* The fuel tank had white stripes
* The "175" side cover decal was white
* The muffler heat shield was chrome with lateral slots
* The exhaust system was a 2-into-1
* The engine was a 174cc OHC parallel twin with a 5-speed transmission and manual clutch
* The serial number began SL175-1000001.

1971 SL175K1
* Three colors were available: Light Ruby Red, Candy Sapphire Blue, and Poppy Yellow Metallic
* The gas tank stripes on the yellow bike were black; but on the other two colors they were white
* The "SL175" side cover emblem was chrome and white
* The muffler heat shield was chrome with holes instead of slots
* The size and style of the gas tank and the seat changed from the previous year
* The engine was a 174cc OHC parallel twin with a 5-speed transmission and manual clutch
* The serial number began SL175-2000001.

SL350 :

Honda Motosport 350 SL350K0
* Three colors were available: Candy Sapphire Blue, Candy Ruby Red, and Candy Gold
* The fuel tank stripe was white
* The frame had a single downtube
* It had both a electric and kick starter
* The engine was a 325cc 4-stroke OHC parallel twin with two CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The front wheel was 19" and the rear wheel was 18"
* The serial number began SL350-1000001.

1970 SL350K1
* It came in one of three colors: Candy Ruby Red, Candy Sapphire Blue, or Candy Topaz Orange
* The gas tank stripe was white
* It now had a double downtube frame
* The electric start was deleted
* The engine was a 325cc 4-stroke OHC parallel twin with two piston valve carburetors
* The serial number began SL350-2000001.

1972 SL350K2
* It came in two available colors: Candy Panther Gold with Yellow or Marina Blue Metallic with Yellow
* The gas tank panel was yellow
* The "350" side cover decal was also yellow
* the fenders were unpainted aluminum
* The front wheel increased to 21" while the rear decreased an inch to 18"
* The engine was a 325cc 4-stroke OHC parallel twin with two piston valve carburetors
* The serial number began SL350-3000001.

XL :

XL125 :

1974 XL125K0 :
* It came in one color combination: Tahitian Red with Silver Metallic and Black
* The gas tank was red, but the side covers were black while the fenders were silver painted plastic
* The muffler heat shield was chrome
* The "XL125" side cover decal was red and white
* It featured a tachometer and a downswept exhaust system
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 122cc linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The cylinder head was a one piece unit
* The serial number began XL125-1100001.

1976 XL125'76 :
* It came in one color combination: Shiny Orange with White and Black
* The gas tank was orange; but the muffler heat shield and side covers were black
* The fenders were white, color-impregnated plastic
* The "XL125" side cover decal was yellow and white
* The tachometer was deleted this year
* The exhaust system was now upswept
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 124cc
* The cylinder head was a 2-piece unit
* The serial number began XL125-1200023.

1977 XL125 :
* It came in one color: Black with Shiny Orange
* The gas tank and side covers were black; but the fenders were orange, color-impregnated plastic
* The gas tank stripe and "XL125" side cover decals were red
* The muffler heat shield was chrome
* The wheel hubs were painted silver
* There was no tachometer
* The exhaust system was upswept
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 124cc
* The cylinder head was a 2-piece unit
* The serial number began XL125-2000001.

1978 XL125 :
* It came in Tahitian Red
* The gas tank, side covers, and fenders were red while the tank stripes were yellow and orange
* The "XL125" side cover decals were yellow and white
* The wheel hubs were black
* There was no tachometer
* The exhaust system was upswept
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 124cc
* The cylinder head was a 2-piece unit
* The serial number began XL125-2100003.

XL250 :

1972-73 Motosport 250 XL250 :
* One color was available: Custom Silver Metallic
* The fuel tank, fenders, and headlight shell were silver while the fuel tank stripes and fender stripes were red
* The "MOTOSPORT 250" muffler emblem was red and white
* The side cover was black without emblems
* The engine was a 248cc 4-stroke OHC 4-valve single cylinder with a 5-speed transmission
* The frame serial number began XL250-1000049 while it is significant that the engine serial number began SL250E-1000001 rather than XL -- which shows its relation to the Motosport series.

1974 XL250K1 :
* It came in tornado Blue Metallic
* The gas tank stripes were orange and black
* The "XL250" muffler and side cover emblems were orange and white
* The side cover and headlight shell were black
* The instrumentation was tilted toward the rider
* The engine was a 248cc 4-stroke OHC 4-valve single cylinder with a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began XL250-2000001
* The engine serial number began XL250E not SL250E.

1975 XL250K2 :
* It came in Excel Black with Red
* The gas tank was a 2-tone red and black
* The fenders and side covers were black
* The "XL250" muffler and side cover emblems were red and white
* The headlight shell was silver
* The engine was a 248cc 4-stroke OHC 4-valve single cylinder with a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began XL250-3000001.

1976 XL250'76:
* It came in one color: Candy Sapphire Blue with white
* The gas tank and side covers were blue
* The fenders were white, color impregnated plastic
* The frame was new and the chassis design featured an upswept exhaust
* The intake manifold was center mounted
* The engine was a 248cc 4-stroke OHC 4-valve single cylinder with a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began XL250-4000001.

XL---X :


1979 XL125S :
* It came in Tahitian Red
* The gas tank and side cover stripes were black, gray, and yellow
* The bike had a one-piece rectangular instrument pod
* The plastic turn signal housings were rectangular
* The shock springs were chrome while the frame was black
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 124cc linked to a 6 speed transmission
* The serial number began XL125S-5008316.

1980 XL125S :
* It came in Helios Red
* The gas tank and side cover stripes were white, yellow, and orange
* The "HONDA" tank decal was red with a white outline
* The bike had a separate, round speedometer unit
* The metal turn signal housings were round this year
* The shock springs were black and so was the frame
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 124cc linked to a 6 speed transmission
* The serial number began JD02-5000003.

1981 XL125S :
* It came in Monza Red with Black
* The gas tank was a 2-tone red and black
* The "HONDA" tank decal was black
* The "XL125S" side cover decal was red and white on a black panel
* The plastic turn signal housings were rectangular
* The bike had a separate, round speedometer unit
* The shock springs were black and so was the frame
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 124cc linked to a 6 speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2JD020*BK200002.

1982 XL125S :
* It came in Monza Red
* The gas tank top stripe was black
* The "125S" side cover decal was white and red on a black panel
* The seat was black with a white "XL" logo on the side
* The shock springs were black while the frame was red
* The bike had a separate, round speedometer unit
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 124cc linked to a 6 speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2JD020*CK300003.

1984 XL125S :
* It came in Monza Red again
* The "125S" side cover decal was white on a black panel
* The seat was black with a white "XL" logo
* The shock springs were black while the frame was red
* The bike had a separate, round speedometer unit
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 124cc linked to a 6 speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2JD020*EK400001.

1985 XL125S :
* It came in Flash Red
* The gas tank wing decal was red, white, and blue
* The "125" tank decal was white and blue
* The side cover panel was yellow with no decal
* The seat was blue with a white "XL" logo
* The shock springs were black while the frame was red
* The bike had a separate, round speedometer unit
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 124cc linked to a 6 speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2JD020*BK200002.


1983 XL200R'83 :
* It came in just one color: Monza Red
* The fuel tank, side covers, fenders, and frame were red
* The side cover panels, seat, and fork boots were black
* The "200R" side cover decal was solid white
* The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 5 speed transmission
* The California model serial number began JH2MD0611DK000001 while the other 49 states models had a serial number which began JH2MD0602DK000001.

1984 XL200R'84 :
* It also came in one color: Monza Red
* It was just like the 1983 model except the "200R" side cover decal was red with a white outline
* Engine: 195cc four-stroke OHC
* Front suspension: Air-assisted fork
* Rear suspension: Pro-LinkTM
* Wheelbase: 1373mm (54 in.)
* Dry weight: 106 kg (233.6 lb)
* Seat height: 851mm (33.5 in.)
* Front wheel travel: 220mm (8.7 in.)
* Rear wheel travel: 190mm (7.5 in.)
* The California model serial number began JH2MD0616EK100001 while the other 49 states models had a serial number which began JH2MD0607EK000001.


1978 XL250S'78 :
* It came in one color: Tahitian Red
* The gas tank stripes were black, red, and light orange
* The "HONDA" tank decal was white
* The "XL250S" side cover decal was black and white
* The front wheel was 23" while the back was 18"
* The instrumentation featured only a speedometer
* The engine was a 249cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with two head pipes
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began XL250S-5000041.

1979 XL250S'79 :
* It came in Tahitian Red
* The gas tank stripes were black, red, and yellow
* The "HONDA" tank logo was black
* The front wheel was 23" while the back was 18"
* The instrumentation featured only a speedometer
* The engine was a 249cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with two head pipes
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began XL250S-5100007.

1980 XL250S'80 :
* It came in Helios Red
* The gas tank and side cover stripes were red, orange, and white
* The "HONDA" tank logo was red outlined in white
* The "XL250S" side cover logo was white
* The control levers and kickstarter arm were black
* The speedometer had an 85 mph (135 km) limit
* The front wheel was 23" while the back was 18"
* The instrumentation featured only a speedometer
* The engine was a 249cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with two head pipes
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began XL250-2000001.

1981 XL250S'81 :
* It came in Monza Red and Black
* The gas tank and side covers were 2-tone red and black
* The "HONDA" tank logo was black
* The "XL250S" side cover logo was red and white
* The swingarm was painted silver
* The front wheel was 23" while the back was 18"
* The control levers and kickstarter arm were black
* There was a 2-piece instrumentation: speedometer and indicator light pod
* The speedometer had an 85 mph (135 km) limit
* The instrumentation featured only a speedometer
* The engine was a 249cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with two head pipes
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began JH2MD010*BM300001.

1982 XL250R'82 :
* It came in 1982 in Monza Red
* The gas tank, side covers, fenders, and frame were red
* The engine was black while the swing arm was silver
* The front wheel was 21" while the back was 17"
* It now had a 12-volt electrical system and Pro-Link suspension
* The engine was a 249cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with two exhaust pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2MD030*CM000008.

1983 XL250R'83 :
* It came in Monza Red
* The "XL" logo on the side of the seat was solid white
* The "250R" side cover had a graphic design
* The gas tank, side covers, fenders, and frame were red
* The engine was black while the swing arm was silver
* The front wheel was 21" while the back was 17"
* It now had a 12-volt electrical system and Pro-Link suspension
* The engine was a 249cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with two exhaust pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2MD030*DM100001.

1984 XL250R'84 :
* It came in Monza Red
* The headlamp was rectangular with a number plate cowling
* The seat and fork boots were black
* The "250R" side cover decal was white while the number plate panels were black
* The front wheel was 21" while the back was 17"
* It now had a 12-volt electrical system and Pro-Link suspension
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with two carburetors and two head pipes
* It also had a 6-speed transmission.
* Engine: RFVC radial valve, 249cc dual-carburetor engine
* Suspension: Pro-LinkTM rear suspension
* Wheelbase: 1380mm (54.3 in.)
* Dry weight: 117 kg (257.9 lb)
* Seat height: 855mm (33.7 in.)
* Front wheel travel: 220mm (8.7 in.)
* Rear wheel travel: 195mm (7.7 in.)
* The serial number began JH2MD110*EK000009.

1985 XL250R'85 :
* It came in Flash Red
* The Honda wing tank decal was red, white, and blue
* The "250R" tank decal was white and blue
* The headlamp was rectangular with a number plate cowling
* The seat and fork boots were blue
* The number plate panels were yellow
* The front wheel was 21" while the back was 17"
* It now had a 12-volt electrical system and Pro-Link suspension
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with two carburetors and two head pipes
* It also had a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2MD110*FK100007.

1986 XL250R'86 :
* It came in Shasta White
* The Honda wing tank decal was red, orange, and yellow
* The "250R" tank decal was red and blue
* The engine color was red
* The number plate panels were black
* The headlamp was rectangular with a number plate cowling
* The front wheel was 21" while the back was 17"
* It now had a 12-volt electrical system and Pro-Link suspension
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with two carburetors and two head pipes
* It also had a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2MD110*GK200001.

1987 XL250R'87 :
* It came in Shasta White
* The Honda wing tank decal was red, white, and blue
* The "250R" tank decal was blue and red
* The headlamp was rectangular with a number plate cowling
* The front wheel was 21" while the back was 17"
* The engine color was red
* The number plate panels were black
* It now had a 12-volt electrical system and Pro-Link suspension
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with two carburetors and two head pipes
* It also had a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2MD110*HK300001.


1979 XL500S'79

* It descended from a long line of Elsinores, although it was never called by that name
* One color was available: Tahitian Red
* The fuel tank and side cover stripes were black, red, and yellow
* The control levers and kickstarter arm were silver (next year they would be black)
* The speedometer had a 100 mph (160 kph) limit
* The front wheel was 23" while the back was 18"
* The exhaust was a 2-into-1 system
* The engine was a 498cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with one carburetor
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began PD01-5000054.

1980 XL500S'80

* It came in Helios Red
* The gas tank and side cover stripes were red, orange, and white
* The control levers and kickstarter arm were black
* The bottom triple clamp was also black
* The speedometer had a 85 mph (135 kph) limit
* The front wheel was 23" while the back was 18"
* The exhaust was a 2-into-1 system
* The engine was a 498cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with one carburetor
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began PD01-5100001.

1981 XL500S'81

* It came in Monza Red with Black
* The gas tank and side covers were 2-tone red and black
* The "XL500S" side cover graphic was red and white
* The speedometer and instrument light pod were separate
* The front fender was longer
* The box-section swingarm was silver painted steel
* A manual compression release lever was added
* The control levers and kickstarter arm were black
* The bottom triple clamp was also black
* The speedometer had a 85 mph (135 kph) limit
* The front wheel was 23" while the back was 18"
* The exhaust was a 2-into-1 system
* The engine was a 498cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with one carburetor
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began JH2PD010*BM200001.

1982 XL500R'82

* It came in Monza Red
* The gas tank, side covers, fenders, and frame were red
* The seat, fork boots, number plate panels, and engine were black
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension, 12-volt electrical system, and a 2-into-1 exhaust system
* The front wheel was 21" while the rear was 17"
* It also featured double leading shoe front brake
* The engine was a 498cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PD020*CM000021.


1983 XL600R'83

* It came in one color: Monza Red
* The gas tank, side covers, fenders, headlight cowl, and frame were red
* The seat, fork boots, number plate panels, and engine were black
* The wheels, fork legs, and swingarm were silver
* The "600R" side cover decal was solid white
* The engine was a 589cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with two carburetors and two head pipes
* The transmission was a 5-speed.
* Engine: RFVC radial valve, 589cc dual-carburetor dry sump
* Transmission: 5-speed
* Suspension: Pro-LinkTM rear suspension
* Brake: Disc front brake
* Wheelbase: 1420mm (55.9 in.)
* Dry weight: 134 kg (295.3 lb)
* Seat height: 860mm (33.8 in.)
* Front wheel travel: 229mm (9 in.)
* Rear wheel travel: 203mm (8 in.)
* Tank, side covers, fenders, headlight cowl, and frame are red
* Seat, Fork boots, number plate panels, and engine are black
* Wheels, fork legs, and swingarms are silver
* "600R" side cover decal is solid white
* V.I.N.: JH2PD0301DM000027
* Engine serial number: PD03E-5000053

1984 XL600R'84

* It came in one color: Monza Red (in some countries it was called Flash Red).
* The "600R" side cover decal was red with a white outline.
* The gas tank, side covers, fenders, headlight cowl, and frame were red.
* The seat, fork boots, number plate panels, and engine were black.
* The wheels, fork legs, and swingarm were silver.
* The engine was a 589cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with two carburetors, dry sump, and two head pipes.
* The transmission was a 5-speed.
* Suspension: Pro-LinkTM rear suspension
* Brake: Disc front brake
* Wheelbase: 1420mm (55.9 in.)
* Dry weight: 134 kg (295.3 lb)
* Seat height: 860mm (33.8 in.)
* Front wheel travel: 229mm (9 in.)
* Rear wheel travel: 203mm (8 in.)
* The serial number began JH2PD030*EM100006
* Engine: RFVC radial valve, 589cc dual-carburetor dry sump
* Suspension: Pro-LinkTM rear suspension
* Brake: Disc front brake
* Wheelbase: 1420mm (55.9 in.)
* Dry weight: 134 kg (295.3 lb)
* Seat height: 860mm (33.8 in.)
* Front wheel travel: 229mm (9 in.)
* Rear wheel travel: 203mm (8 in.)
* Tank, side covers, fenders, headlight cowl, and frame are red
* Seat, Fork boots, number plate panels, and engine are black
* Wheels, fork legs, and swingarms are silver
* "600R" side cover decal is red with white outline
* Calif
* V.I.N.: JH2PD0310EM100002
* 49 State V.I.N.: JH2PD0309EM100002
* Engine serial number: PD03E-5100007

1985 XL600R'85

* It came in Flash Red
* The seat, fork boots, and shock spring were blue
* The tank wing decal was red, white, and blue
* The "600R" tank decal was white and blue
* The number plate panels were yellow
* The gas tank, side covers, fenders, headlight cowl, and frame were red
* The wheels, fork legs, and swingarm were silver
* The engine was a 589cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with two carburetors and two head pipes
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began JH2PD030*FK200003
* Engine: RFVC radial valve, 589cc dual-carburetor dry sump
* Suspension: Pro-LinkTM rear suspension
* Brake: Disc front brake
* Wheelbase: 1420mm (55.9 in.)
* Dry weight: 134 kg (295.3 lb)
* Seat height: 860mm (33.8 in.)
* Front wheel travel: 229mm (9 in.)
* Rear wheel travel: 203mm (8 in.)
* Tank, side covers, fenders, headlight cowl, and frame are red
* Wheels, fork legs, and swingarms are silver
* Seat, Fork boots, and shock springs are blue
* Tank wing decal is red/white/blue
* Number plate panels are yellow
* "600R" tank decal is white/blue
* Calif
* V.I.N.: JH2PD0312FK200003
* 49 State V.I.N.: JH2PD0303FK200003
* Engine serial number: PD03E-5200001

1986 XL600R'86

* It came in Shasta White with Southern Blue
* The gas tank was 3-tone blue, red, and white
* The fenders, side covers, frame, and headlight cowl were white
* The wheels, fork legs, and swingarm were gold color
* The engine was red
* The number plate panels were black
* The engine was a 589cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with two carburetors and two head pipes
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began JH2PD030*GK300001
* Engine: RFVC radial valve, 589cc dual-carburetor dry sump
* Suspension: Pro-LinkTM rear suspension
* Brake: Disc front brake
* Wheelbase: 1420mm (55.9 in.)
* Dry weight: 134 kg (295.3 lb)
* Seat height: 860mm (33.8 in.)
* Front wheel travel: 229mm (9 in.)
* Rear wheel travel: 203mm (8 in.)
* Seat, Fork boots, and shock springs are blue
* Fuel tank is 3-tone blue/red/white
* Fenders, side covers, frame, and headlight cowl are white
* Wheels, fork legs, and swingarm are gold color
* Engine is red
* Number plate panels are black
* Calif
* V.I.N.: JH2PD0313GK300001
* 49 State V.I.N.: JH2PD0304GK300001
* Engine serial number: PD03E-5300001

1987 XL600R'87

* It came in Shasta White with Southern Blue
* The gas tank was 3-tone: blue, red, and white
* The red stripe was actually 3-tone dark, medium, and light red
* The wheels, fork legs, and swingarm were silver
* The fenders, side covers, frame, and headlight cowl were white
* The engine was red
* The number plate panels were black
* The engine was a 589cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with two carburetors and two head pipes
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began JH2PD030*HK400001
* Engine: RFVC radial valve, 589cc dual-carburetor dry sump
* Suspension: Pro-LinkTM rear suspension
* Brake: Disc front brake
* Wheelbase: 1420mm (55.9 in.)
* Dry weight: 134 kg (295.3 lb)
* Seat height: 860mm (33.8 in.)
* Front wheel travel: 229mm (9 in.)
* Rear wheel travel: 203mm (8 in.)
* Fuel tank is 3-tone blue, red, white
* The red color is really a 3-tone dark/medium/light color
* Seat, Fork boots, and shock springs are blue
* Fenders, side covers, frame, and headlight cowl are white
* Wheels, fork legs, and swingarm are silver
* Number plate panels are black
* Calif
* V.I.N.: JH2PD0312FK200003
* 49 State V.I.N.: JH2PD0303FK200003
* Engine serial number: PD03E-5200001


XR125L :

2004 XR125L

Engine Type: Air-cooled 4-stroke OHV single
Engine Displacement: 124cc
Bore & Stroke: 56.5 x 49.5mm
Compression Ratio: 9.5 : 1
Carburetion: 22mm PD-type carburettor
Max. Power Output: 8.3kW/8500min-1 (95/1/EC)
Max. Torque: 10Nm/7000min-1 (95/1/EC)
Ignition: Digital transistorised with electronic advance
Starter: Electric
Transmission: 5-speed
Final Drive: Roller chain
Length x Width x Height: (LxWxH) 2060 x 810 x 1130mm
Wheelbase: 1350mm
Seat Height: 820mm
Ground Clearance: 250mm
Fuel Capacity: 12 litres (including 4.1-litre reserve)
Dry Weight: 115.5kg
Front Wheel: 19 x MT1.85
Rear Wheel: 17 x MT2.15
Front Tire: 90/90-19 64J
Rear Tire: 110/90-17 64J
Front Suspension: 31mm telescopic fork, 180mm axle travel
Rear Suspension: Monoshock damper, 160mm axle travel
Front Brakes: 240mm hydraulic disc with dual-piston caliper and resin mould pads
Rear Brakes: 110mm leading/trailing drum

2007 XR125L

Engine Type: Air-cooled 4-stroke OHV single
Engine Displacement: 124cm3
Bore & Stroke: 56.5 x 49.5mm
Compression Ratio: 9.5 : 1
Carburation: 22mm PD-type carburettor
Max. Power Output: 8.3kW/8,500min-1 (95/1/EC)
Max. Torque: 10Nm/7,000min-1 (95/1/EC)
Ignition: Digital transistorised with electronic advance
Starter: Electric
Gearbox: 5-speed
Final Drive: Roller chain
Length x Width x Height: 2,060 x 810 x 1,130mm
Wheelbase: 1,350mm
Seat Height: 820mm
Ground Clearance: 250mm
Fuel Capacity: 12 litres (including 4.1-litre reserve)
Dry Weight: 115.5kg
Wheels Front: 19 x MT1.85
Wheels Rear: 17 x MT2.15
Tyres Front: 90/90-19 64J
Tyres Rear: 110/90-17 64J
Suspension Front: 31mm telescopic fork, 180mm axle travel
Suspension Rear: Monoshock damper, 160mm axle travel
Brakes Front: 240mm hydraulic disc with dual-piston calliper and resin mould pads
Brakes Rear: 110mm leading/trailing drum

XR185 :

1979 XR185'79

It came in Tahitian Red
The "HONDA" gas tank emblem was red outlined in black and white
The "XR185" side cover decal was red and white on a black panel
The headlight is rectangular on a black number plate
The engine was an OHC single cylinder displacing 180cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began ME02-5000061.

XR200 :

1980 XR200

It came in just one color: Tahitian Red
The "XR200R" side cover decal was red and white on a black panel
The frame was red, but the engine was silver
It had a speedometer and a rear toolbag
The fuel tank was steel
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve, single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmisson
The serial number began ME02-5100012.

1981 XR200'81

It came in just one color: Tahitian Red
The "200" side cover decal was white on a black panel
The frame was red, but the engine was silver
The speedometer was deleted along with the rear toolbag
The seat was black with a red "XR" graphic
The fuel tank was steel
It featured a twin-shock rear treatment and steel rims
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve, single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME0205BK200001.

1982 XR200'82

It came in just one color: Tahitian Red
The "XR" side cover decal was red on a white panel
The frame was red, but the engine was silver
The speedometer was deleted along with the rear toolbag
The seat was black with a white "200" graphic
The fuel tank was steel
It featured a twin-shock rear treatment and steel rims
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve, single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME0205CK300004.

1983 XR200'83

It came in just one color: Flash Red
The "200" side cover decal was white on a yellow panel
The frame was red, but the engine was black
The seat was black with a white "XR" graphic
The fuel tank was steel
It featured a twin-shock rear treatment and steel rims
The rear shock springs were black
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve, single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME0204DK400001.

1984 XR200'84

It came in just one color: Flash Red
The "200" side cover decal was RED on a yellow panel
The frame was red, but the engine was black
The seat was blue with a white "XR" graphic
The fuel tank was steel
It featured a twin-shock rear treatment and steel rims
The rear shock springs were red
Engine: 195cc OHC four-stroke, 2-valve, single cylinder
Transmission: Six-speed
Front suspension: Air-assisted, leading axle front fork
Wheelbase: 1325mm (52.2 in.)
Dry weight: 98.5 kg (217.1 lb)
Seat height: 860mm (33.8 in.)
Front wheel travel: 216mm (8.5 in.)
Rear wheel travel: 191mm (7.5 in.)
The serial number began JH2ME0204DK400001.


1981 XR200R'81

It was sold alongside the XR200'81
It came in just one color: Tahitian Red
The black "XR" decal was located just forward of the black number plate panel
The headlight cowl was black
The frame was red, but the engine was black
The seat was black with a white "200R" graphic and a black tool bag on the back
The fuel tank was plastic
It featured a pro-link rear suspension
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve, single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME0405BK000037.

1982 XR200R'82

It was sold alongside the XR200'82 and came in just one color: Tahitian Red
The white "XR" decal was located just forward of the white number plate panel
The front number panel was also white
The headlight cowl was black
The frame was red, but the engine was black with polished fins
The seat was black with a white "200R" graphic and a black tool bag on the back
The fuel tank was plastic
It featured a pro-link rear suspension
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve, single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME0400CK100001.

1983 XR200R'83

It was sold alongside the XR200'83
It came in just one color: Flash Red
The front number panel and side panels were yellow
The frame was red, but the engine was black with polished fins
The seat and the rear tool bag were blue
The "XR" graphic on the seat was white
The swingarm decal "200R" was black
The fuel tank was plastic
It featured a pro-link rear suspension
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve, single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME0405DK200001.

1984 XR200R'84

It was sold alongside the XR200'84
It came in just one color: Flash Red
The front number panel and side panels were yellow
The frame was red, but the engine was black with polished fins
The seat and the rear tool bag were blue
The "XR" graphic on the seat was white
The swingarm decal "200R" was red and white
The "PRO-LINK" swingarm decal was red
The fork boots were black
The fuel tank was plastic
It featured a pro-link rear suspension
It had twin carburetors and twin head pipes
The engine was an OHC, RFVC single cylinder displacing 199cc with a replaceable oil filter
It was linked to a 6-speed transmission.
Engine: RFVC radial valve, 199cc dual-carburetor dry sump
Suspension: Pro-LinkTM rear suspension
Brake: Disc front brake
Wheelbase: 1420mm (55.9 in.)
Dry weight: 134 kg (295.3 lb)
Seat height: 860mm (33.8 in.)
Front wheel travel: 229mm (9 in.)
Rear wheel travel: 203mm (8 in.)
The serial number began JH2ME0501EK000006.

1985 XR200R'85

It came in just one color: Flash Red
The "200R" tank decal was white and blue
The wing decal on the tank was red, white, and blue
The front number panel and side panels were yellow
The frame was red, but the engine was black with polished fins
The seat and the rear tool bag were blue
The "XR" graphic on the seat was white
The "PRO-LINK" swingarm decal was blue
The fork boots were blue
The fuel tank was plastic
It featured a pro-link rear suspension
It had twin carburetors and twin head pipes
The engine was an OHC, RFVC single cylinder displacing 199cc with a replaceable oil filter
It was linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME0507FK100001.

1986 XR200R'86

It came in just one color: Flash Red with Shasta White
The "XR HONDA" tank decal was white and blue
The tank, side and front number plate panels were red
The frame was white, but the engine was black with polished fins
The seat and the rear tool bag were blue
The "200R" graphic on the seat was white
The "PRO-LINK" swingarm decal was blue
The fork boots were blue
The fuel tank was plastic
It featured a pro-link rear suspension
It had a single carburetor and single exhaust pipes
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME0501GK200001.

1987 XR200R'87

It came in just one color: Flash Red with Shasta White
The "XR HONDA" tank decal was white and blue
The tank, side and front number plate panels were red
The frame was white, but the engine was black with polished fins
The seat and the rear tool bag were blue
The "200R" graphic on the seat was white
The "PRO-LINK" swingarm decal was blue
The fork boots were blue
The fuel tank was plastic
It featured a pro-link rear suspension
It had a single carburetor and single exhaust pipes
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME0506HK300001.

1988 XR200R'88

It came in just one color: Flash Red with Shasta White
The "XR200R" tank decal was white
The tank, fork boots, and rear fender were red
The side and front number plate panels were black
The frame was white, but the engine was black with polished fins
The seat and the rear tool bag were blue
The "HONDA" graphic on the seat was white
The front fender was white
The "PRO-LINK" swingarm decal was white
The fuel tank was plastic
It featured a pro-link rear suspension
It had a single carburetor and single exhaust pipes
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME0505JK400001.

1990 XR200R'90

It came in just one color: Flash Red with Shasta White
The "XR200R" tank decal was white
The tank, fork boots, and rear fender were red
The side and front number plate panels were black
The frame was white, but the engine was black with polished fins
The seat and the rear tool bag were blue
The "HONDA" graphic on the seat was white
The front fender was white
The "PRO-LINK" swingarm decal was white
The fuel tank was plastic
It featured a pro-link rear suspension
The lighting equipment was optional
It had a single carburetor and single exhaust pipes
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME0505JK400001.

1991 XR200R'91

It came in Shasta White with Rainbow Blue
The seat was red while the fork boots and side cover panels were blue
The "XR" tank logo was red and blue
The lighting equipment was optional
It had a single carburetor and single exhaust pipes
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME050*MK600001.

1993 XR200R'93

It came in Shasta White with Rainbow Blue
The seat height was reduced from the 1991 model
The gas tank wing logo was deleted
The "200R" seat logo was white
It had a single carburetor and single exhaust pipes
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME050*PK700001.

1994 XR200R'94

It came in Shasta White with Real Blue
The gas tank had redesigned "XR" graphics
The "XR" was blue outlined in Red
The "HONDA" was red
The "200R" graphic on the seat was redesigned
It had a single carburetor and single exhaust pipes
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME050*RK800001.

1995 XR200R'95

It came in Shasta White with Uranus Violet
The gas tank had a redesigned d"XR" graphic
The "XR" was red outlined in blue
The "HONDA" decal was blue
The "200R" graphic on the seat was redesigned
It had a single carburetor and single exhaust pipes
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME050*SK900001.

1996 XR200R'96

It came in Shasta White with Uranus Violet
The gas tank logo was redesigned again
The "XR" was white outlined in red on a purple background
The "HONDA" decal was white
It had a single carburetor and single exhaust pipes
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME050*TK000001

1997 XR200R'97

It came in Shasta White
the gas tank logo was redesigned and the number plates were now white
It had a single carburetor and single exhaust pipes
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME050*VK100001

1998 XR200R'98

It came in Shasta White
The gas tank logo was redesigned to include a yellow Honda Wing logo
The "200R" logo on the seat was black
It had a single carburetor and single exhaust pipes
The engine was an OHC, 2-valve single cylinder displacing 195cc linked to a 6-speed transmission
The serial number began JH2ME050*RK800001

2002 XR200R'02

It came in Red.
Engine: Air cooled, single cylinder four stroke
Displacement: 195cc
Bore and stroke: 65.5mm x 57.8mm
Compression ratio: 10.0:1
Valve system: SOHC 2-valve
Carburetion: Single, 24mm
Ignition: CDI
Starting system: Kick
Transmission: Close-ratio, 6-speed
Final drive: Chain
Front suspension: 36 mm fork, 208 mm travel
Rear suspension: Pro-Link single shock with adj. preload, 211mm travel
Front tire: 80/100-21
Rear tire: 100/100-17
Front brake: Mechanical drum
Rear brake: Mechanical drum
Seat height: 850mm (33.5 in.)
Wheelbase: 1360mm (53.5 in.)
Dry weight: 101 kg (223 lb)
Fuel capacity: 9.0 liters
Color: Red

XR250 Tornado :

1979 XR250'79 :
* It came in Tahitian Red
* The "HONDA" tank decal was red
* The top of the tank, side cover panel, and headlight cowl were black
* The "XR250" side cover logo was red and white
* The front wheel was 23" and the rear wheel was 18"
* The engine was a 249cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began ME01-5000032.

1980 XR250'80 :
* It came in Tahitian Red
* The gas tank now had a wing decal
* The control levers and kickstarter arm were black
* The front wheel was 23" and the rear wheel was 18"
* The engine was a 249cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began ME01-5100011.

2005 XR250 Tornado :
* It was sold in Mexico and other countries.
* Engine type: 4 stroke, single cylinder, liquid cooled, with oil radiator
* Displacement: 249cc
* Bore & Stroke: 73mm x 59.5mm
* Compression ratio: 9.3:1
* Lubrication system: forced oil pump wet sump
* Carburetor: constant velocity vacuum piston valve
* Ignition system: CDI
* Starter: Electric
* Dry weight: 134 kg
* Maximum horsepower: 23 hp @ 7,500 rpm
* Transmission: 6-speed
* Drive: Chain
* Overall length: 2,147 mm
* Width: 845 mm
* Height: 1,198 mm
* Fuel capacity: 11.5 liters (3.7 liters reserve)
* Clutch: Multi-disc in oil bath
* Wheelbase: 1,427 mm
* Seat height: 880 mm
* Ground clearance: 281 mm
* Spokes: Wire
* Front Tire: 90/90-21 54S
* Rear Tire: 120/80-18 62S
* Front suspension: telescopic Bracket, 245 mm of travel
* Rear Suspension: Pro-Link, 242 mm of travel
* Front Brake: hydraulic Disk
* Rear Brake: mechanical Drum
* Colors: Blue, Red

XR250L/R :

1991 XR250L'91 :
* It came in Shasta White with Rainbow Blue
* This was "essentially a street-legal XR250R."
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2MD220*MK000003.

1992 XR250L'92 :
* It came in Shasta White with Rainbow Blue
* The gas tank and seat had new graphics
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2MD220*NK100005.

1993 XR250L'93 :
* It came in Shasta White with Rainbow Blue
* The gas tank and seat had new graphics
* The width of the footpeg was increased
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2MD220*PM200004.

1994 XR250L'94 :
* It came in Shasta White with Real Blue
* The gas tank had redesigned graphics where the "XR" was blue outlined in red and the "HONDA" was red
* The "250L" graphic on the seat was also redesigned
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2MD220*RM300001.

1995 XR250L'95 :
* It came in Shasta White with Uranus Violet
* The gas tank decal was also redesigned so that the "XR" was red outlined in purple and the "HONDA" was purple
* The "250L" seat graphic was also redesigned
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2MD220*SM400001.

1996 XR250L'96 :
* It came in Shasta White with Uranus Violet
* The gas tank logo was redesigned so that the "XR was white outlined in Red on a purple background
* The "HONDA" logo was white
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2MD220*MK000003.

1981 XR250R'81 :
* It came in Tahitian Red
* The side cover and headlight cowl panels were black
* The "XR" side cover logo was black
* The engine color is solid black
* The front wheel was 21" while the back was 17"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with two head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME010*BM200022.

1982 XR250R'82 :
* It came in Tahitian Red
* The side covers and headlight cowl panels were white
* The "XR" side cover decal was white
* The engine color was black with polished cylinder head fins
* The front wheel was 21" while the back was 17"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC 4-valve single cylinder with two head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME010*CM300008.

1984 XR250R'84 :
* It came in Flash Red
* The number plate panels were yellow
* The seat and tool bag were blue
* The fork boots were black
* The bike had a front hydraulic disc brake
* The front wheel was 21" while the back was 17"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with 2 carburetors and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed.
* Engine: RFVC radial valve, 199cc dual-carburetor
* Suspension: Pro-LinkTM rear suspension
* Wheelbase: 1365mm (53.7 in.)
* Dry weight: 100 kg (220.4 lb)
* Seat height: 905mm (35.6 in.)
* Front wheel travel: 254mm (10 in.)
* Rear wheel travel: 246mm (9.7 in.)
* The serial number began JH2ME060*EK000001.

1985 XR250R'85 :
* It came in Flash Red
* The Honda wing tank decal was red, white, and blue
* The "250R" tank decal was white and blue
* The fork boots and shock springs were blue
* The number plate panels were yellow
* The seat and tool bag were blue
* The bike had a front hydraulic disc brake
* The front wheel was 21" while the back was 17"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with 2 carburetors and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME060*FK100003.

1986 XR250R'86 :
* It came in Flash Red with Shasta White
* The gas tank and number plate panels were red
* The fenders, frame, side covers, and headlight cowl were white
* The engine color is silver with gold case covers
* The seat and tool bag were blue
* The fork boots and shock springs were blue
* The bike had a front hydraulic disc brake
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME060*GK200001.

1987 XR250R'87 :
* It came in Flash Red with Shasta White
* The "XR" gas tank decal had a new design likewise the "250R" seat graphic
* The gas tank and number plate panels were red
* The fenders, frame, side covers, and headlight cowl were white
* The seat and tool bag were blue
* The fork boots and shock springs were blue
* The engine color is silver with gold case covers
* The bike had a front hydraulic disc brake
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME060*HK300001.

1988 XR250R'88 :
* It came in Flash Red with Shasta White
* The front fender, frame, side covers, and headlight cowl were white
* The rear fender was red
* The fork boots and shock springs were red
* The gas tank and number plate panels were red
* The seat and tool bag were blue
* The engine color is silver with gold case covers
* The bike had a front hydraulic disc brake
* The bike had a front hydraulic disc brake
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME060*JK400001.

1989 XR250R'89 :
* It came in Flash Red with Shasta White
* The front and rear fenders were both red
* There was a new style wing logo on the gas tank
* A white "XR" in outline was on a red seat
* The bike had a front hydraulic disc brake
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME060*KK500001.

1990 XR250R'90 :
* It came in Flash Red with Shasta White
* The tank, seat, and fork boots were red
* The fenders, frame, and handguards were white
* The "250R" tank logo and side cover panel were blue
* The "Pro-Link" swingarm decal was red outline
* The front fork was a cartridge type
* The bike had a front and rear hydraulic disc brakes
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME060*LK600003.

1991 XR250R'91 :
* It came in Shasta White with Rainbow Blue
* The seat was red; but the fork boots and side cover panels were blue
* The "XR" logo on the tank was red and blue
* The bike had a front and rear hydraulic disc brakes
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME060*MK700001.

1992 XR250R'92 :
* It came in Shasta White with Rainbow Blue
* The gas tank and seat had new graphics
* The bike had a front and rear hydraulic disc brakes
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME060*NM800004.

1993 XR250R'93 :
* It came in Shasta White with Rainbow Blue
* The gas tank and seat logos were redesigned
* The width of the footpeg was increased
* The bike had a front and rear hydraulic disc brakes
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME060*PM900001.

1994 XR250R'94 :
* was sold in 1994 in Shasta White with Real Blue
* The gas tank "XR" graphic was redesigned so that the "XR was blue outlined in red and the "HONDA" was red
* The "200R" graphic on the seat was also redesigned
* The bike had a front and rear hydraulic disc brakes
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME060*RM000001.

1995 XR250R'95 :
* It came in Shasta White with Uranus Violet
* The gas tank logos were redesigned so that the "XR" was red outlined in violet and the "HONDA" was violet
* The "250R" graphic on the seat was also redesigned
* The bike had a front and rear hydraulic disc brakes
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME060*SM100001.

1996 XR250R'96 :
* It came in Ross White with Uranus Violet
* The rear sub frame was removable
* The head pipes were stainless steel
* The seat was violet with red
* The engine had an all-new dry-sump RFVC
* The bike had a front and rear hydraulic disc brakes
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME080*TM000004.

1997 XR250R'97 :
* It came in Ross White with Black
* The gas tank logo was redesigned again
* The seat was black with red
* The fork boots were black
* The bike had a front and rear hydraulic disc brakes
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME080*VM100001.

1998 XR250R'98 :
* It came in Ross White
* The gas tank logo was redesigned
* There was also a new type of rear sub frame
* The bike had a front and rear hydraulic disc brakes
* The rear wheel was 18"
* The bike had a Pro-Link suspension and a plastic gas tank
* The engine was a 249cc OHC RFVC single with one carburetor and 2 head pipes
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began JH2ME080*VM100001.

2003 XR250R'03 :
* It came in one color: Red
* Engine: 249cc RFVC air-cooled single-cylinder
* Bore and stroke: 73.0 x 59.5 mm
* Compression ratio: 10.2:1
* Transmission: Six-speed
* Ignition: Solid-state CD with electronic advance
* Final drive: O-ring sealed chain 13T/48T
* Front suspension: 41mm leading-axle Kayaba cartridge fork with compression-damping adjustment; 269mm (10.6 in.) travel
* Rear suspension: Pro-Link Kayaba single-shock with spring-preload, compression- and rebound-damping adjustment; 369mm (10.6 in.) travel
* Front tire 80/100-21
* Rear tire: 110/100-18
* Ground clearance: 315mm (12.4 in.)
* Seat height: 914mm (36.0 in.)
* Wheelbase: 1400mm (55.1 in.)
* Dry weight: 109 kg (240 lb)
* Fuel capacity: 9.1 liters (including 1.9 liters reserve)
* Honda Genuine AccessoriesTM: HRC power-up kit, 430mm work stand

2004 XR250R'04 :
* Engine Type: 249cc air-cooled dry-sump single-cylinder four-stroke
* Bore and Stroke: 73.0mm x 59.5mm
* Compression Ratio: 10.2:1
* Valve Train: SOHC; four-valve RFVC
* Carburetion: 30mm piston-valve
* Ignition: Solid-state CD with electronic advance
* Transmission: Six-speed
* Final Drive: #520 O-ring-sealed chain; 13T/48T
* Front Suspension: 41mm leading-axle Kayaba cartridge fork with 20-position compression-damping adjustability; 10.6-inch travel
* Rear Suspension: Pro-Link Kayaba single-shock with spring-preload, 20-position compression- and 20-position rebound-damping adjustability; 10.6-inch travel
* Front Brake: Single disc with twin-piston caliper
* Rear Brake: Single disc
* Front Tire: 80/100-21
* Rear Tire: 100/100-18
* Rake: 24.8 degrees
* Trail: 92.0mm (3.6 inches)
* Wheelbase: 55.1 inches
* Seat Height: 36.0 inches
* Ground Clearance: 12.4 inches
* Dry Weight: 240.0 pounds
* Fuel Capacity: 2.4 gallons, including 0.5-gallon reserve
* Emissions: California version differs slightly due to emissions equipment.
* Available Colors: Red
* Warranty: 6 months


1983 XR350R'831983

It came in just one color: Flash Red
The number plate panels were yellow while the seat was blue
The fork boots were black
The "350R" swingarm decal was black
The front brakes were mechanical drum
The engine was lubricated with a wet sump
The engine was a 339cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with 2 carburetors and 2 head pipes
The transmission was a 6-speed
The serial number began JH2NE010*DM000023.

1984 XR350R'84

It came in one color: Flash Red
The number plate panels were yellow while the seat was blue
The fork boots were black
The "350R" swingarm decal was red
The front brakes were hydraulic disc
The hand guards were plastic
The engine was lubricated with a wet sump
The engine was a 339cc OHC RFVC single cylinder with 2 carburetors and 2 head pipes
The transmission was a 6-speed.
Engine: RFVC radial valve, 339cc dual-carburetor dry sump
Suspension: Pro-LinkTM rear suspension
Brake: Disc front brake
Wheelbase: 1405mm (55.3 in.)
Dry weight: 112 kg (246.8 lb)
Seat height: 920mm (36.2 in.)
Front wheel travel: 280mm (11 in.)
Rear wheel travel: 270mm (10.6 in.)
The serial number began JH2NE010*EM100001.

1985 XR350R'85

It came in Flash Red
The number plate panels were yellow while the seat was blue
The fork boots and shock springs were blue
The "PRO-LINK" swingarm decal was blue
The bike had a new multi-function digital enduro meter
The front brakes were hydraulic disc
The swingarm and kickstart arm were aluminum
The hand guards were plastic
The engine was a 353cc OHC RFVC dry sump single cylinder with only one carburetor, but 2 exhaust pipes
The transmission was a 6-speed
The serial number began JH2NE020*FK200001.


1996 XR400 (XR400R'96)

It was a development of the motosport series in previous years
It was sold in 1996
One color was available: Ross White
This was an all new lightweight, midweight XR
The rear sub frame was removable
The swingarm pivot was combined with the rear engine mount
A high performance power kit was also available
The serial number began JH2NE030*TM000001.

1997 XR400R'97

It came in Ross White with Black
The gas tank had a new logo and the fork boots were black
The seat is both red and black
There was also new clutch springs
The swingarm pivot was combined with the rear engine mount
A high performance power kit was also available
The serial number began JH2NE030*VM100001.

1998 XR400R'98

It came in one color: Ross White
The gas tank logo was redesigned to include a yellow Honda wing logo
There was also a new type rear sub-frame
The swingarm pivot was combined with the rear engine mount
A high performance power kit was also available
The serial number began JH2NE030*WM200001.

2000 XR400R

It came in one color: Red
Engine: 397cc RFVC air-cooled single-cylinder
Bore and stroke: 85.0 x 70.0 mm
Compression ratio: 9.3:1
Transmission: Five-speed
Ignition: Solid-state CD with electronic advance
Final drive: O-ring sealed chain 15T/45T
Front suspension: 43mm leading-axle Showa cartridge fork with compression-damping and rebound-damping adjustment; 279mm (11.0 in.) travel
Rear suspension: Pro-Link Showa single-shock with spring-preload, compression- and rebound-damping adjustment; 300mm (11.8 in.) travel
Front tire 80/100-21
Rear tire: 110/100-18
Ground clearance: 310mm (12.2 in.)
Seat height: 929mm (36.6 in.)
Wheelbase: 1425mm (56.1 in.)
Dry weight: 116 kg (257 lb)
Fuel capacity: 9.5 liters (including 1.5 liters reserve)

2003 XR400'03

It came in one color: Red
Engine: 397cc RFVC air-cooled single-cylinder
Bore and stroke: 85.0 x 70.0 mm
Compression ratio: 9.3:1
Transmission: Five-speed
Ignition: Solid-state CD with electronic advance
Final drive: O-ring sealed chain 15T/45T
Front suspension: 43mm leading-axle Showa cartridge fork with compression-damping and rebound-damping adjustment; 279mm (11.0 in.) travel
Rear suspension: Pro-Link Showa single-shock with spring-preload, compression- and rebound-damping adjustment; 300mm (11.8 in.) travel
Front tire 80/100-21
Rear tire: 110/100-18
Ground clearance: 310mm (12.2 in.)
Seat height: 929mm (36.6 in.)
Wheelbase: 1425mm (56.1 in.)
Dry weight: 116 kg (257 lb)
Fuel capacity: 9.5 liters (including 1.5 liters reserve)
Honda Genuine AccessoriesTM: HRC power-up kit, 430mm work stand

2004 XR400R'04

Engine Type: 397cc air-cooled dry-sump single-cylinder four-stroke
Bore and Stroke: 85.0mm x 70.0mm
Compression Ratio: 9.3:1
Valve Train: SOHC; four-valve RFVC
Carburetion: 36mm piston-valve
Ignition: Solid-state CD with electronic advance
Transmission: Five-speed
Final Drive: #520 O-ring-sealed chain; 15T/45T
Front Suspension: 43mm leading-axle Showa cartridge fork with 18-position compression and 12-position rebound-damping adjustability; 11.0-inch travel
Rear Suspension: Pro-Link Showa single-shock with spring-preload, 16-position compression and 16-position rebound-damping adjustability; 11.8-inch travel
Front Brake: Single disc with twin-piston caliper
Rear Brake: Single disc
Front Tire: 80/100-21
Rear Tire: 110/100-18
Rake: 25.3 degrees
Trail: 94.0 mm (3.7 inches)
Wheelbase: 56.1 inches
Seat Height: 36.6 inches
Ground Clearance: 12.2 inches
Dry Weight: 257.0 pounds
Fuel Capacity: 2.5 gallons, including 0.4-gallon reserve
Emissions: California version differs slightly due to emissions equipment.
Colors: Red
Warranty: 6 months

Informations tirées du site : http://www.motorera.com/honda/

Dernière édition par TicToc le Mer 30 Juin - 12:37, édité 24 fois

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  francisou Jeu 22 Oct - 16:38

TicToc a écrit:Pour la Honta TLR125 j'ai : Série de cadre : JD06-1004- Carburateur PC04-J

Couleurs.... je cherche... pas trouvé dans la RMT.

J'ai ça à la maison, je t'envoie ça ce soir, cette nuit pour toi, à demain study

Nombre de messages : 145
Date d'inscription : 25/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  cousin Rv Ven 23 Oct - 13:00

Salut Tictoc et les autres monomaniaques,

TicToc a écrit:Bon, j'en fait appel au fofo pour avancer sur la fabrication d'une mini base de données sur les couleurs de nos motos..../...
Edit : cela fait des jours que je cherche, et je sent que tout seul, ici du Japon, j'y arriverais pas...
Désolé de ne pouvoir t'aider sur ce coup, Tictoc! Par contre,


de ton dévouement car je suis persuadé que, moi le premier, j'aurai besoin de ces informations pour ne pas faire d'impair lors d'une future (qui a dit hypothétique?) restauration!
cousin Rv
cousin Rv

Nombre de messages : 944
Localisation : Aquitaine - Landes
Date d'inscription : 27/09/2009


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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  TicToc Mer 28 Oct - 18:17

Dernière édition par TicToc le Sam 17 Avr - 2:55, édité 2 fois

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  TicToc Dim 1 Nov - 10:47

Traduction des couleurs RAL Anglais-Français :

Englais Français
RAL 1000 Green beige, Beige vert
RAL 1001 Beige, Beige
RAL 1002 Sand yellow, Jaune sable
RAL 1003 Signal yellow, Jaune de sécurité
RAL 1004 Golden yellow, Jaune or
RAL 1005 Honey yellow, Jaune miel
RAL 1006 Maize yellow, Jaune mals
RAL 1007 Daffodil yellow, Jaune narcisse
RAL 1011 Brown beige, Beige brun
RAL 1012 Lemon yellow, Jaune citron
RAL 1013 Oyster white, Blanc perlé
RAL 1014 Ivory, Ivoire
RAL 1015 Light ivory, Ivoire clair
RAL 1016 Sulfur yellow, Jaune soufre
RAL 1017 Saffron yellow, Jaune safran
RAL 1018 Zinc yellow, Jaune zinc
RAL 1019 Grey beige, Beige gris
RAL 1020 Olive yellow, Jaune olive
RAL 1021 Rape yellow, Jaune colza
RAL 1023 Traffic yellow, Jaune signalisation
RAL 1024 Ochre yellow, Jaune ocre
RAL 1026 Luminous yellow, Jaune brillant
RAL 1027 Curry, Jaune curry
RAL 1028 Melon yellow, Jaune melon
RAL 1032 Broom yellow, Jaune genzt
RAL 1033 Dahlia yellow, Jaune dahlia
RAL 1034 Pastel yellow, Jaune pastel
RAL 1035 Pearl beige, Beige nacré
RAL 1036 Pearl gold, Or nacré
RAL 1037 Sun yellow, Jaune soleil
RAL 2000 Yellow orange, Orangé jaune
RAL 2001 Red orange, Orangé rouge
RAL 2002 Vermilion, Orangé sang
RAL 2003 Pastel orange, Orangé pastel
RAL 2004 Pure orange, Orangé pur
RAL 2005 Luminous orange, Orangé brillant
RAL 2007 Luminous bright, orange Orangé clair brillant
RAL 2008 Bright red orange, Orangé rouge clair
RAL 2009 Traffic orange, Orangé signalisation
RAL 2010 Signal orange, Orangé de sécurité
RAL 2011 Deep orange, Orangé foncé
RAL 2012 Salmon orange, Orangé saumon
RAL 2013 Pearl orange, Orangé nacré
RAL 3000 Flame red, Rouge feu
RAL 3001 Signal red, Rouge de sécurité
RAL 3002 Carmine red, Rouge carmin
RAL 3003 Ruby red, Rouge rubis
RAL 3004 Purple red, Rouge pourpre
RAL 3005 Wine red , Rouge vin
RAL 3007 Black red, Rouge noir
RAL 3009 Oxide red, Rouge oxyde
RAL 3011 Brown red, Rouge brun
RAL 3012 Beige red, Rouge beige
RAL 3013 Tomato red, Rouge tomate
RAL 3014 Antique pink, Vieux rose
RAL 3015 Light pink, Rose clair
RAL 3016 Coral red, Rouge corail
RAL 3017 Rose, Rosé
RAL 3018 Strawberry red, Rouge fraise
RAL 3020 Traffic red, Rouge signalisation
RAL 3022 Salmon pink, Rouge saumon
RAL 3024 Luminous red, Rouge brillant
RAL 3026 Luminous bright red, Rouge clair brillant
RAL 3027 Raspberry red, Rouge framboise
RAL 3031 Orient red, Rouge oriental
RAL 3032 Pearl ruby red, Rouge rubis nacré
RAL 3033 Pearl pink, Rose nacré
RAL 4001 Red lilac, Lilas rouge
RAL 4002 Red violet, Violet rouge
RAL 4003 Heather violet, Violet bruycre
RAL 4004 Claret violet, Violet bordeaux
RAL 4005 Blue lilac, Lilas bleu
RAL 4006 Traffic purple, Pourpre signalisation
RAL 4007 Purple violet, Violet pourpre
RAL 4008 Signal violet, Violet de sécurité
RAL 4009 Pastel violet, Violet pastel
RAL 4010 Telemagenta, Telemagenta
RAL 4011 Pearl violet, Violet nacré
RAL 4012 Pearl blackberry, Mure nacré
RAL 5000 Violet blue, Bleu violet
RAL 5001 Green blue, Bleu vert
RAL 5002 Ultramarine blue, Bleu outremer
RAL 5003 Sapphire blue, Bleu saphir
RAL 5004 Black blue, Bleu noir
RAL 5005 Signal blue, Bleu de sécurité
RAL 5007 Brillant blue, Bleu brillant
RAL 5008 Grey blue, Bleu gris
RAL 5009 Azure blue, Bleu azur
RAL 5010 Gentian blue, Bleu gentiane
RAL 5011 Steel blue, Bleu acier
RAL 5012 Light blue, Bleu clair
RAL 5013 Cobalt blue, Bleu cobalt
RAL 5014 Pigeon blue, Bleu pigeon
RAL 5015 Sky blue, Bleu ciel
RAL 5017 Traffic blue, Bleu signalisation
RAL 5018 Turquoise blue, Bleu turquoise
RAL 5019 Capri blue, Bleu capri
RAL 5020 Ocean blue, Bleu océan
RAL 5021 Water blue, Bleu d'eau
RAL 5022 Night blue, Bleu nocturne
RAL 5023 Distant blue, Bleu distant
RAL 5024 Pastel blue, Bleu pastel
RAL 5025 Pearl gentian blue, Gentiane nacré
RAL 5026 Pearl night blue, Bleu nuit nacré
RAL 6000 Patina green, Vert patine
RAL 6001 Emerald green, Vert émeraude
RAL 6002 Leaf green, Vert feuillage
RAL 6003 Olive green, Vert olive
RAL 6004 Blue green, Vert bleu
RAL 6005 Moss green, Vert mousse
RAL 6006 Grey olive, Olive gris
RAL 6007 Bottle green, Vert bouteille
RAL 6008 Brown green, Vert brun
RAL 6009 Fir green, Vert sapin
RAL 6010 Grass green, Vert herbe
RAL 6011 Reseda green, Vert réséda
RAL 6012 Black green, Vert noir
RAL 6013 Reed green, Vert jonc
RAL 6014 Yellow olive, Olive jaune
RAL 6015 Black olive, Olive noir
RAL 6016 Turquoise green, Vert turquoise
RAL 6017 May green, Vert mai
RAL 6018 Yellow green, Vert jaune
RAL 6019 Pastel green, Vert blanc
RAL 6020 Chrome green, Vert oxyde chromique
RAL 6021 Pale green, Vert pale
RAL 6022 Olive drab, Olive brun
RAL 6024 Traffic green, Vert signalisation
RAL 6025 Fern green, Vert fougcre
RAL 6026 Opal green, Vert opale
RAL 6027 Light green, Vert clair
RAL 6028 Pine green, Vert pin
RAL 6029 Mint green, Vert menthe
RAL 6032 Signal green, Vert de sécurité
RAL 6033 Mint turquoise, Turquoise menthe
RAL 6034 Pastel turquoise, Turquoise pastel
RAL 6035 Pearl green, Vert nacré
RAL 6036 Pearl opal green, Vert opal nacré
RAL 7000 Squirrel grey, Gris petit-gris
RAL 7001 Silver grey, Gris argent
RAL 7002 Olive grey, Gris olive
RAL 7003 Moss grey, Gris mousse
RAL 7004 Signal grey, Gris de sécurité
RAL 7005 Mouse grey, Gris souris
RAL 7006 Beige grey, Gris beige
RAL 7008 Khaki grey, Gris kaki
RAL 7009 Green grey, Gris vert
RAL 7010 Tarpaulin grey, Gris tente
RAL 7011 Iron grey , Gris fer
RAL 7012 Basalt grey, Gris basalte
RAL 7013 Brown grey, Gris brun
RAL 7015 Slate grey, Gris ardoise
RAL 7016 Anthracite grey, Gris anthracite
RAL 7021 Black grey, Gris noir
RAL 7022 Umbra grey, Gris terre d'ombre
RAL 7023 Concrete grey, Gris béton
RAL 7024 Graphite grey, Gris graphite
RAL 7026 Granite grey, Gris granit
RAL 7030 Stone grey, Gris pierre
RAL 7031 Blue grey, Gris bleu
RAL 7032 Pebble grey, Gris silex
RAL 7033 Cement grey, Gris ciment
RAL 7034 Yellow grey, Gris jaune
RAL 7035 Light grey, Gris clair
RAL 7036 Platinum grey, Gris platine
RAL 7037 Dusty grey, Gris poussicre
RAL 7038 Agate grey, Gris agate
RAL 7039 Quartz grey, Gris quartz
RAL 7040 Window grey, Gris fenztre
RAL 7042 Traffic grey A, Gris signalisation A
RAL 7043 Traffic grey B, Gris signalisation B
RAL 7044 Silk grey, Gris soie
RAL 7045 Telegrey 1, Telegris 1
RAL 7046 Telegrey 2, Telegris 2
RAL 7047 Telegrey 4, Telegris 4
RAL 7048 Pearl mouse, grey Gris souris nacré
RAL 8000 Green brown, Brun vert
RAL 8001 Ochre brown, Brun terre de Sienne
RAL 8002 Signal brown, Brun de sécurité
RAL 8003 Clay brown, Brun argile
RAL 8004 Copper brown, Brun cuivré
RAL 8007 Fawn brown, Brun fauve
RAL 8008 Olive brown, Brun olive
RAL 8011 Nut brown, Brun noisette
RAL 8012 Red brown, Brun rouge
RAL 8014 Sepia brown, Brun sépia
RAL 8015 Chestnut brown, Marron
RAL 8016 Mahogany brown, Brun acajou
RAL 8017 Chocolate brown, Brun chocolat
RAL 8019 Grey brown, Brun gris
RAL 8022 Black brown, Brun noir
RAL 8023 Orange brown, Brun orangé
RAL 8024 Beige brown, Brun beige
RAL 8025 Pale brown, Brun pale
RAL 8028 Terra brown, Brun terre
RAL 8029 Pearl copper, Cuivre nacré
RAL 9001 Cream, Blanc crème
RAL 9002 Grey white, Blanc gris
RAL 9003 Signal white, Blanc de sécurité
RAL 9004 Signal black, Noir de sécurité
RAL 9005 Jet black, Noir foncé
RAL 9006 White aluminium, Aluminium blanc
RAL 9007 Grey aluminium, Aluminium gris
RAL 9010 Pure white, Blanc pur
RAL 9011 Graphite black, Noir graphite
RAL 9016 Traffic white, Blanc signalisation
RAL 9017 Traffic black, Noir signalisation
RAL 9018 Papyrus white, Blanc papyrus
RAL 9022 Pearl light grey, Gris clair nacré
RAL 9023 Pearl dark grey, neé nacré

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Honda

Message  TicToc Dim 1 Nov - 11:20

Code des couleurs Honda

Les correspondances avec le nuancier RAL sont mises en gras.

A-01 Semi glazed black
A-03 Silver (labels)
A-07 Specified blue
A-73 Gold (labels)
B-43L Luster blue (seats)
B-100M-U Cosmo black metallic
B-104 Percian (Duke) blue
B-131P Pearl presto blue
B-134M Barbados blue metallic
B-135M Laguna blue metallic
B-140P Pearl coral reef blue
B-142P Pearl atlantis blue
B-143M Calypso blue metallic
B-148M Graceful blue metallic
B-152M Granada blue metallic
B-154M Jerez blue metallic
B-162M Medium blue metallic
B-175M Artico blue metallic
B-183M Petrol blue metallic
BG-101P Pearl bermuda green
BG-103P Pearl winter mint
BG-106P Pearl salem mint
BG-110P Pearl sophis green
BG-125M Amazona green metallic
G-1 Smoke green
G-20 Papaw green
G-31 Mighty green
G-38M-S Muscat green metallic
G-120 Urban green
G-125M Black green metallic
G-130 Toscana green
G-133 Hermes green
G-137M Grandioses green metallic
G-139M Alpen green metallic
G-141M Kaningham green metallic
G-142M Tasmania green metallic
G-150 Cricket green
G-156P Pearl sierra green
G-159P Pearl sonoma green
G-160P Pearl jade green
G-161P Pearl conifer green
G-163 Corsa green
G-167P Pearl merced green
G-177M Cyber green metallic
G-182M Sardegna green metallic
GA-1 Tomasek green
GY-102 Mint lime green
GY-112M Minotaurus green metallic
GY-118P Pearl vermont green
GY-120M Bud green metallic
GY-124 Camouflage green
GY-126 Matt uranium
NH-0 White
NH-1 Black RAL = 9005
NH-1L Black (seats)
NH-1R Black
NH-1Z Black-Z
NH-2M Silver metallic RAL = 9006
NH-4 Elephant gray
NH-10M Dark silver metallic
NH-19M Dark gray metallic
NH-24 Ceramic white
NH-31 McKinley white
NH-35M Cloud silver metallic
NH-42M-C Custom silver metallic
NH-43 Phantom black
NH-53L Spacy gray (seats)
NH-57 Excel black
NH-67L Dew gray (seats)
NH-101L Princess gray (seats)
NH-101M-U Perseus silver metallic
NH-104M-U Pleiadis silver metallic
NH-105 Matt black (#15-#20)
NH-106 Heatproof black
NH-110M-U Magnum silver (gray) metallic
NH-111 Cortina white
NH-113P-A Pearl altair white
NH-114M-U Moonshine silver metallic
NH-118M-U Sterling (real) silver metallic
NH-119M-U Tempest gray metallic
NH-121P Pearl shell white
NH-121P-A Pearl shell white A
NH-123L Midnight gray (seats)
NH-125M-U Nimbus gray metallic
NH-129M Max gray metallic
NH-130M Varnish silver metallic
NH-131M Starlight silver metallic
NH-132M Max silver metallic
NH-136M-U Senior gray metallic
NH-138 Shasta white
NH-139P-A Pearl crescent white A
NH-142M-U Meteor gray metallic
NH-144M-U Starshine silver metallic
NH-146M Accurate silver metallic
NH-154R Tasman gray
NH-162P Pearl milky white
NH-167M-U Iron nail silver metallic
NH-168M Vernier gray metallic
NH-174M Castle gray metallic
NH-177M Vostok silver metallic
NH-178M Amethyst gray metallic
NH-181M Flame alumite silver metallic
NH-182M Intellignet silver metallic
NH-193P Pearl crystal white
NH-193P-A Pearl ctystal white A
NH-194M Heavy gray metallic
NH-196 Ross (rinden) white
NH-197M Karakorum gray metallic
NH-206M Medium gray metallic
NH-211M alumite silver metallic (frames)
NH-213M Gentle silver metallic
NH-215M Phantom gray metallic
NH-217M Checker black metallic
NH-229M-U Anchor gray metallic
NH-232M Shining silver metallic
NH-236M Sparklefrost silver metallic
NH-237P Pearl pure black
NH-240M Saturn silver metallic
NH-242M-U Reddish gray metallic
NH-249 Matt works gray
NH-250 Real white
NH-251P Pearl pacific white
NH-253M Ocean gray metallic
NH-254M Blitz (lightning) gray metallic
NH-259M Accurate (seed) silver metallic
NH-262M Terra silver metallic
NH-264M Fog gray metallic
NH-280 Armor black
NH-280R Armor black
NH-282M-U Oyster silver metallic
NH-284M Euro gray metallic
NH-293M Light silver metallic
NH-295M Sparkling (flashing) silver metallic
NH-300M Muscle gray metallic
NH-303M Matt axis gray metallic
NH-312M Matt cynos gray metallic
NH-326P Pearl glacier (glazed) white
NH-341P Pearl (fade) white
NH-343P Pearl sparkle black
NH-347R Works gray
NH-357 India ink gray
NH-359M Mute black metallic
NH-373M Blessed silver metallic
NH-377M Core black metallic
NH-378M Matt moonstone silver metallic
NH-381M Matt plutonium silver metallic
NH-389M Matt bullet silver metallic
NH-390P Pearl twilight silver
NH-396P Pearl antique white
NH-398M Future gray metallic
NH-400M Cynos gray metallic
NH-403M Brittany silver metallic
NH-410M China silver metallic
NH-411M Force silver metallic
NH-418P Pearl prism black
NH-431 Metallic silver
NH-436 Asphalt
NH-436M Matt gunpowder black metallic
NH-437M Matt silver gray metallic
NH-461M Matt temple black metallic
NH-463M Darkness black metallic
NH-469M Stream silver metallic
NH-478M Tower silver metallic
NH-480M Shield silver metallic
NH-A04M Geny gray metallic
NH-A12M Interstellar black metallic
NH-A13M Excalibur gray metallic
NH-A16P Pearl cool white
NH-A27M Billet silver metallic
NH-A30M Digital silver metallic
NH-A32M Matt blacky gray metallic
P-5M Jockey blue metallic
P-9 Uranus purple
P-20P Pearl paragon purple
P-25C Candy extreme blue
P-32M Reflection purple metallic
P-36M Prism purple metallic
P-44 Illusion blue
PB-1 Dark blue
PB-2 Columbia blue
PB-2C-S Candy blue green
PB-3 Maruem blue
PB-3C-C Candy sapphire blue
PB-3C-F Flake sapphire blue
PB-5 Royal blue
PB-5C-S Candy riviera blue special
PB-6C-S Candy sirius blue
PB-7C Candy sword blue
PB-11L Cabaret blue (seats)
PB-21L Butler blue (seats)
PB-22L Lagoon blue (seats)
PB-22B Dionysus blue
PB-31 Angel blue
PB-36L Reykjavic blue (seats)
PB-52 Waterman blue
PB-101 Matt blue
PB-102C-S Candy grandeur blue special
PB-103C-C Candy radiant blue custom
PB-103C-U Candy knife beam blue
PB-106 Peppermint blue
PB-107C-U Candy tanzanight blue
PB-109 Neptune blue
PB-110C-U Candy universal blue
PB-115C-U Candy flair blue
PB-117C-U Candy enpire blue
PB-119 Lapis blue
PB-120C-A Candy pearl blue
PB-123P-A Pearl siren blue-A
PB-126C-A Candy pearl kapiolani blue
PB-127C-U Candy Aleutian blue
PB-129 Lausanne blue
PB-136 Space blue
PB-141M Spiral blue metallic
PB-149 Southern blue
PB-150M-U Rhine blue metallic
PB-151C-U Candy mistral blue
PB-155P-A Pearl marlin blue
PB-161C-U Candy wave blue
PB-162 Atessa blue
PB-164 Victory blue
PB-166 Wisteria blue
PB-171M-U Traditional blue metallic
PB-174P Pearl diana blue
PB-179M Micronesia blue metallic
PB-182 Florida blue
PB-184M-U Granite blue metallic
PB-186 Seychelle night blue
PB-187M-U Winterlake blue metallic
PB-188M Marshal blue metallic
PB-190 Terra blue
PB-192M Dynasty blue metallic
PB-198 Neo blue
PB-200 Dakar blue
PB-213M Earth blue metallic
PB-214M Air blue metallic
PB-215C Candy tahitian blue
PB-220 Nordic blue
PB-221M Cyclone blue metallic
PB-223M Martinet blue metallic
PB-228 Dionysus blue
PB-230M Sensitive (tender) blue metallic
PB-231 Real blue
PB-255P Pearl coronado (colorado) blue
PB-256M Northernlight blue metallic
PB-257M Lapis blue metallic
PB-261M Andes blue metallic
PB-262P Pearl great blue
PB-265 Lightning eye blue
PB-269P Pearl flashing blue
PB-270 Sardinia blue
PB-273M Sahara blue metallic
PB-284C Candy phoenix blue
PB-287M Nexus blue metallic
PB-293M Ultimative blue metallic
PB-294M Primary blue metallic
PB-296M Moody (temper) blue metallic
PB-297M Sevilla blue metallic
PB-299M Ice blue metallic
PB-304P Pearl apollo blue
PB-308P Pearl spencer blue
PB-324C Candy xenon blue
PB-325M Candy lighting blue metallic
PB-332P Pearl heron blue
PB-333M Tropea blue metallic
PB-341P Pearl breezy blue
PB-342M North pole blue metallic
PB-346 Pearl blue
PB-347M Matt calondonite blue metallic
PB-348M Matt barents blue metallic
PB-351P Pearl montana blue
PB-352M Matt xenon blue metallic
PB-356M Nova blue metallic
R-2 Scarlet
R-2C-F Flake sunrise orange
R-3C Candy red
R-4C Candy ruby red
R-6C-S Candy antares red (special)
R-7C-C Candy ltd maroon
R-8 Bright red
R-8C-S Candy presto red
R-9C-S Candy alpha red
R-23 Tahitian red
R-33 Helios red
R-85L Darling red (seats)
R-101C-U Candy glory (shiny) red
R-103L Burning red (seats)
R-104C-U Candy muse red
R-106C-U Candy prune red
R-107C-U Candy bourgogne (burgundy) red
R-109 Passion red
R-110 Monza red
R-111 Coral red
R-112L Factory red (seats)
R-114 Candy dark red
R-114C-U Candy wineberry red
R-115C-U Candy chestnut red
R-116 Stream red
R-117C-A Candy pearl red
R-119 Flash (lightning) red
R-120 Blaze (flame) red
R-123 Lightning red
R-124C-U Candy Alamoana red
R-125C-A Candy pearl mani red
R-127 Sparkling (flashing) red
R-130C-U Candy scorpion red
R-131C-U Candy andromeda red
R-134 Fighting red
R-144 Antonio red
R-151C-U Candy graceful red
R-157 Italian red
R-158P Pearl pure (deep) red
R-147P Pearl rasberry black
R-163M Burgundy black metallic
R-165 Jolly red
R-167 Furious (wild) red
R-170P Pearl fiery red
R-175 NR red
R-176C Candy spectra red
R-178P Pearl mouth berry
R-191 American red
R-195C Candy shiny red
R-196M Cadiz red metallic
R-197C Candy maple red
R-199C Candy garnet red
R-201 Magna red
R-203M Procyon red metallic
R-210C Candy refreshing red
R-217M Cassis red metallic
R-218M Radiant red metallic
R-223P Pearl sedona red
R-226M Regent red metallic
R-227M Eminence red metallic
R-228C Candy (susses) violet
R-231M Mystery red metallic
R-237 Somerset orange
R-247M Pennant red metallic
R-255M Rich red metallic
R-257C Candy ambassador red
R-258 Winning red
R-259P Pearl canyon red
R-263 Millennium red
R-274M Durango red metallic
R-275C Candy ambassador red
R-277C Candy calcutta red
R-287C Candy black cherry
R-287M Bloodstone red metallic
R-296M Carnelian red metallic
RP-103C-U Candy tropical night purple
RP-124 Palette purple
RP-131M Mondaufgangs purple metallic
RP-133M Silver violet metallic
RP-134 Primrose
RP-138M Mauritanian violet metallic
RP-140M Vortex purple metallic
RP-141M Groundrose metallic
RP-144M Asteroid violet metallic
RP-147P Pearl rasberry black
RP-151P Pearl royal purple
RP-152M British gold metallic
RP-156P Pearl imperial magenta
RP-159M Parlor purple metallic
RP-166M Magenta metallic
Y-1 Ivory yellow
Y-1C-S Candy yellow special
Y-31 Parakeet yellow
Y-34 Sulphur yellow
Y-106 Clipper yellow
Y-124P Pearl shining (shiny) yellow
Y-130P Pearl hotrod yellow
Y-132 Beak yellow
Y-137P Pearl ivory
Y-140P Pearl lemon yellow
Y-141 Plasma yellow
Y-153 Mouth yellow
Y-158M Siena gold metallic
Y-159M Grain gold metallic
Y-160 Sunrise yellow
Y-161M Navona beige metallic
Y-163 Yellow
Y-163P Pearl flashing yellow
Y-170M Cyber gold
Y-181 Titanium
YR-1C Candy topaz orange
YR-3C Candy kent brown
YR-26 Shiny orange RAL = 2009
YR-112M-U Super gold metallic
YR-118M-S Clear copper metallic
YR-125M Sand beige metallic
YR-126M Sunshine gold metallic
YR-127M Knight brown metallic
YR-129M Summer blond metallic
YR-138M Meteor gold metallic
YR-143M Pearl beige metallic
YR-147M Max brown metallic
YR-149M Martini beige metallic
YR-150M Misty brown metallic
YR-151M Nancy beige metallic
YR-159M Magtec gold metallic
YR-168M Cinnamon beige metallic
YR-169 Kashmir beige
YR-174 Citrus orange
YR-179P Pearl lively orange
YR-180 Morning gray orange
YR-181 Valencia (Repsol) orange
YR-183M Titanium metallic
YR-188P Pearl canyon copper
YR-191P Pearl chaparral beige
YR-192C Candy molten brown
YR-196C Candy (flaming) orange
YR-197M Pyrenees brown metallic
YR-198M Bedrock brown metallic
YR199M Cognac brown metallic
YR-201M Tango orange metallic
YR-202 Venus orange
YR-217M Elegant beige metallic
YR-234M Exotic brown metallic
YR-236M Jupiter orange metallic

Dernière édition par TicToc le Sam 17 Avr - 2:56, édité 3 fois

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  TicToc Dim 1 Nov - 12:10

Correspondance nuanciers RAL et Pentone :

nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Ralpentone

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  TicToc Dim 3 Jan - 16:43

Je refait monter le topic, sinon, il va être enterré No

On m'a donné des infos pour cette b"cane :

1976 TL125S
* It came in one color: Silver Metallic with Shiny Orange
* The gas tank stripe was orange
* The "TL125" side cover decal was also orange
* The frame was gloss black
* The engine was a 124cc OHC single cylinder with a 2-piece cylinder head
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began TL125S-1000417.

Couleur Honda
NH-2M Silver metallic
YR-26 Shiny orange
NH-1 Black

le noir=ral 9005
le gris metal=ral 9006
le orange du rése(losange)=ral 2009

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  TicToc Lun 11 Jan - 12:43


Trials TL125

1973 Trials 125 (TL125K0)

* One color was available: Silver Metallic with Tahitian Red
* The fuel tank stripe is red and so are the "TL125" side cover decals
* The "HONDA" fuel tank decal is curved
* The frame is dark gray metallic
* The engine was a 4-stroke single cylinder OHC displacing 122cc
* It had a one-piece cylinder head
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began TL125-1000003.

1974 TL125K1 Trials 125

* It came in one color: Silver Metallic with Candy Sapphire Blue
* The gas tank stripe was blue
* The "TL125" side cover decal was also blue
* The frame was gloss black
* The engine was a 4-stroke single cylinder OHC displacing 122cc
* It had a one-piece cylinder head
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began TL125-1100001.

1975 TL125K2 Trials 125

* It came in one color: Silver Metallic with Tahitian Red
* The gas tank stripe was red
* The "TL125" side cover decal was yellow, orange, and red
* The frame was gloss black
* The engine was a 4-stroke single cylinder OHC displacing 122cc
* It had a one-piece cylinder head
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began TL125-1200001.

1976 TL125S'76 Trials 125

* It came in one color: Silver Metallic with Shiny Orange
* The gas tank stripe was orange
* The "TL125" side cover decal was also orange
* The frame was gloss black
* The engine was a 124cc OHC single cylinder with a 2-piece cylinder head
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began TL125S-1000417.

Trials TL250

1975 Trials TL250K0

* One color was available: Special Silver Metallic with Tahitian Red
* The fuel tank was 2-tone red and silver
* The "TL250" side cover decal was orange and red
* The engine was a 248cc 4-stroke OHC 4-valve single cylinder with a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began TL250-1000001

1976 TL250'76

* It came in Special Silver Metallic with Shiny Orange
* The gas tank was a 2-tone orange and silver
* The "TL250" side cover decal was solid orange
* The engine was a 248cc 4-stroke OHC 4-valve single cylinder with a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began TL250-2000001


Reflex TLR200

1986 Reflex TLR200'86

* One color was available: Cortina White
* California got a little different model called the TLR200L'86
* The fuel tank stripes were red and dark blue
* The "REFLEX" decal on the side cover was black
* The frame was red and the swingarm was silver
* The engine was a 195cc 4-stroke OHC single cylinder linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The California serial number began JH2MD0911GK000001 and the rest of the United States models began JH2MD0902GK000001.

1987 TLR200'87 Reflex

* It was also available in only one color: Cortina white
* It was exactly like the 1986 model apart from the serial number
* The gas tank stripes were red and dark blue
* The "REFLEX" side cover decal was black
* The frame was red while the swingarm was silver
* The engine was a 195cc OHC single cylinder linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number for the California model began JH2MD0916HK100001 while the rest of the states models began JH2MD0907HK100001.

Dernière édition par TicToc le Ven 16 Avr - 17:32, édité 1 fois

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Elsinore

Message  TicToc Lun 11 Jan - 13:04

Elsinore :

1974 Honda MR50 Elsinore 50cc

1974 Honda Elsinore

* Serial number: MR50-1000001 and following.
* Available color: Daytona Orange
* The front number plate is white, but the left side number plate is orange with a white panel
* Engine: 49cc 2-stroke single cylinder.
* Transmission: 3-speed with a manual clutch
* It also required a premix lubrication system.

1975 Honda MR50K1 Elsinore

* Second series
* Serial number: MR50-2000001 and following
* Available color: Custom Silver Metallic with Tahitian Red.
* Fuel tank color: silver with a red stripe on the top
* Fender color: red
* Like the previous year, the front number plate is white, but the left side number plate is red with a black panel.
* Engine: 49cc 2-stroke single cylinder
* Transmission: 3-speed with a manual clutch
* It also required a premix lubrication system.

MT125 cc

1974 MT125K0 Elsinore

* It came in one color combination: custom Silver Metallic and Blue
* The gas tank was silver with a blue stripe on top
* The fenders were silver painted plastic
* The side cover was metallic silver
* The exhaust system heat shield was chrome
* The engine was a 2-stroke single cylinder with oil injection displacing 123cc linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began MT125-1000001.

1975 MT125K1 Elsinore

* It came in one color combination: Custom Silver Metallic with Tahitian Red and Black
* The gas tank was silver with a red stripe on top
* The side covers were gloss black
* The exhaust system heat shield was black
* The fenders were silver painted plastic
* The engine was a 2-stroke single cylinder with oil injection displacing 123cc linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began MT125-2000001.

CR125 cc

1974 Elsinore CR125M0
* Only one color was available: Custom Silver Metallic with Expert Green
* The number plate panels and the top of the fuel tank were green, but the fenders were made of plastic and painted silver
* Instead of points, the electrical system had a capacitor discharge ignition (CDI)
* The engine was a single cylinder 2-stroke port with a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began CR125M-1000009.

1975 CR125M1

* Only one color was available: Custom Silver Metallic with Tahitian Red
* The gas tank and fenders were silver
* The top of the gas tank and the number plates were red while the number plate panel itself was black
* The fenders were made of plastic and painted silver
* Instead of points, the electrical system had a capacitor discharge ignition (CDI)
* The engine was a single cylinder 2-stroke port with a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began CR125M-2000006.

1976 CR125M'76

* It came in Tahitian Red
* The tank, fenders, number plate, and frame were red
* The number plate panels were black
* The fork legs are polished
* The grips were black
* The shock springs were black
* The fenders were color-impregnated plastic
* Instead of points, the electrical system had a capacitor discharge ignition (CDI)
* The engine was a single cylinder 2-stroke port with a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began CR125M-3000001.

1977 CR125M'77

* It came in Tahitian Red
* The tank, fenders, number plate, and frame were red
* The number plate panels were black
* The fork boots and grips were red
* The fork legs were painted silver
* The shock springs were black
* The fenders were color-impregnated plastic
* Instead of points, the electrical system had a capacitor discharge ignition (CDI)
* The engine was a single cylinder 2-stroke port with a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began CR125M-3100001.

1978 CR125M'78

* It came in Tahitian Red
* The tank, fenders, number plate, and frame were red
* The number plate panels were black
* The fenders were color-impregnated plastic
* The fork boots and grips were red
* The fork legs and shock springs were red
* Instead of points, the electrical system had a capacitor discharge ignition (CDI)
* The engine was a single cylinder 2-stroke port with a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began CR125M-3200025.

Elsinore MT250

1974 MT250K0 Elsinore


1974 MT250K0

* It came in Custom Silver Metallic with Daytona Orange
* The gas tank, side cover, and headlight shell were silver
* The gas tank top stripe was orange
* The fenders were silver painted plastic
* The exhaust system heat shield was chrome
* The engine was a 248cc piston port single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* It also used oil injection
* The serial number began MT250-1000001.

1975 MT250K1 Elsinore

* It came in Custom Silver Metallic with Tahitian Red and Black
* The gas tank and fenders were silver, but the gas tank top stripe was red
* The side cover and headlight shell were black
* The fenders were silver painted plastic
* The exhaust system heat shield was black
* The "MT250 ELSINORE" side cover decal was yellow and white
* The engine was a 248cc piston port single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* It also used oil injection
* The serial number began MT250-2000001.

1974 MT250K0

* It came in Custom Silver Metallic with Daytona Orange
* The gas tank, side cover, and headlight shell were silver
* The gas tank top stripe was orange
* The fenders were silver painted plastic
* The exhaust system heat shield was chrome
* The engine was a 248cc piston port single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* It also used oil injection
* The serial number began MT250-1000001.

1975 MT250K1 Elsinore

* It came in Custom Silver Metallic with Tahitian Red and Black
* The gas tank and fenders were silver, but the gas tank top stripe was red
* The side cover and headlight shell were black
* The fenders were silver painted plastic
* The exhaust system heat shield was black
* The "MT250 ELSINORE" side cover decal was yellow and white
* The engine was a 248cc piston port single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* It also used oil injection
* The serial number began MT250-2000001.

1976 MT250'76

* It came in Custom Silver Metallic with White, Aquarius Blue, and Black
* The gas tank was silver with a blue top stripe
* The fenders were white, color impregnated plastic
* The side cover and headlight shell were black
* The "MT250 ELSINORE" side cover decal was yellow and white
* The exhaust system heat shield was black
* The engine was a 248cc piston port single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* It also used oil injection
* The serial number began MT250-3000001.

Elsinore CR250

1973-74 Elsinore CR250M0

* One color was available: the fuel tank was polished aluminum with no paint except for a green stripe on top
* The number plates were silver metallic with a green center panel
* The fenders were plastic painted silver metallic
* The Exhaust pipe was a downswept system
* The engine was a single cylinder 2-stroke displacing 248cc with a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CR250M-1000216.

1975 CR250M1 Elsinore

* It came in one color: Clear with Tahitian Red and White
* The gas tank was polished aluminum with a red stripe on top
* The fenders were white, color-impregnated plastic
* The number plates were red with black panels
* It featured upswept exhaust system and forward mount shocks
* The engine was a single cylinder 2-stroke displacing 248cc with a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CR250-2000001.

Elsinore MR250

1976 MR250'76 Elsinore

* It came in Light Ruby Red with White
* The gas tank and side covers were red
* The tank contained 3.4 US gallons (12.9 liters)
* The fenders were white, color-impregnated plastic
* The headlight had a silver shell and a chrome rock guard
* The engine was a 248cc 2-stroke piston port single cylinder linked to a 5-speed
* The serial number began MR250-1000001.

Elsinore CR450R

1981 Honda Elsinore CR450R

* It was Honda's first production "open class" MX bike
* One color was available: Tahitian Red
* The fuel tank stripe was black and white
* The number plate panels were yellow
* the engine color was red
* The engine was a 431cc 2-stroke reed valve single with a 4-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE0203BC000001.

Elsinore CR500R

1984 CR500R'84

* It descended from a long line of Elsinores, although it was not called by that name
* It was sold in 1984
* One color was available: Flash Red
* The number plate panels were yellow, the seat was blue, the fork boots were black, and the wheel rims were silver
* It used a round-slide carburetor and had a rear drum brake
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke air-cooled reed valve single
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* Engine: Two-stroke 491cc
* Power: 58 hp
* Brakes: Drilled front disc
* Suspension: Pro-LinkTM rear suspension
* Wheelbase: 1490mm (58.6 in.)
* Dry weight: 102 kg (224.8 lb)
* Seat height: 960mm (37.8 in.)
* Front wheel travel: 305mm (12 in.)
* Rear wheel travel: 315mm (12.4 in.)
* The serial number began JH2PE0207EC300001.

1985 CR500R'85

* It came in Flash Red
* The "500" decal was red and blue
* The seat, fork boots, and shock springs were blue
* The number plate panels were yellow
* The wheel rims were silver
* The carburetor used a flat slide
* The rear brake was a drum, a disc was not there until 1987
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*FC400001

1986 CR500R'86

* It came in Flash Red
* The "500" tank shroud decal was red with a white outline
* The wheel rims were gold anodized
* The front forks had cartridge damper assemblies
* The seat, fork boots, and shock springs were blue
* The number plate panels were yellow
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The carburetor used a flat slide
* The rear brake was a drum, a disc was not there until 1987
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*GC500018

1987 CR500R'87

* It came in Flash Red
* The "500" tank shroud decal was solid white
* The seat, fork boots, and shock springs were blue
* The number plate panels were yellow
* The wheel rims were gold anodized
* The front forks had cartridge damper assemblies
* The rear brakes were disc
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The carburetor used a flat slide
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*HC600001

1988 CR500R'88

* It came in Fighting Red
* The "CR500" and wing decals on the tank shroud were solid white
* The seat and fork boots were red
* The wheel rims were silver
* The front forks had cartridge damper assemblies
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The rear brakes were disc
* The carburetor used a flat slide
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*JM700001

1989 CR500R'89

* It came in Fighting Red
* The gas tank shroud sported a new style wing in solid white
* The "CR" logo was found on the side of the seat
* The front forks featured inverted cartridge type
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*KM800001

1990 CR500R'90

* It came in Flash Red with Shasta White
* The "CR" logo on the tank shroud was blue with a white outline
* The frame was Shasta white
* The front forks featured inverted cartridge type
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*LM900005

1991 CR500R'91

* It came in Flash Red with Ross White
* The "CR" logo on the tank shroud was white, yellow, and orange
* The seat graphics were white
* The "500R" swingarm graphics were red
* The side panels and rear fender have an integrated look
* The frame was Ross White
* The front forks featured inverted cartridge type
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*MM000006

1992 CR500R'92

* It came in Nuclear Red with Shasta White
* The gas tank and air box cover were white
* The "CR" logo on the tank shroud was white with a blue outline
* The frame was Ross White
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*NM100006

1993 CR500R'93

* It came in Nuclear Red with Shasta White
* The "CR" logo on the tank shroud was blue with a white outline
* The red color is a deeper red
* The frame was Ross White
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*PM200005

1994 CR500R'94

* It came in Nuclear Red with Shasta White
* The color of the engine was now silver
* The "CR" tank shroud graphic was redesigned so that it was fluorescent yellow outlined in purple on a red background
* The "500R" graphic on the swingarm was outlined in purple
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*RM300005

1995 CR500R'95

* It came in Nuclear Red with Shasta White
* The "CR" graphic on the tank shroud was redesigned again in fluorescent yellow outlined in red on a purple background
* The seat was purple with a white "HONDA" logo
* The "500R" graphic on the swingarm was in fluorescent yellow outlined in purple
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*SM400001

1996 CR500R'96

* It came in Nuclear Red with Shasta White and Black
* The front fork had a 46mm inverted Kayaba cartridge
* The "CR" logo on the tank shroud was fluorescent yellow outlined in red on a purple background
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*TM500001

1997 CR500R'97

* It came in Nuclear Red
* The graphics were newly redesigned
* The front fender was red while the rear fender was white
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*VM600001

1998 CR500R'98

* It came in Nuclear Red with Ross White
* Again there was new graphics
* The rear section of the frame was detachable
* The engine was a 491cc 2-stroke liquid cooled reed valve single cylinder linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2PE020*WM700001

Dernière édition par TicToc le Sam 17 Avr - 3:01, édité 3 fois

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

Message  TicToc Ven 16 Avr - 16:39

CB :

Super Sport CB125, SS125 :

1967-69 SS125A Super Sport 125 :
* It came in one of three colors: Candy Red with Silver, Candy Blue with Silver, and Black with Silver
* The gas tank and fenders were silver
* The frame, upper forks and headlight case were the basic color (red, blue, or black)
* The swingarm and shock covers were also the basic color
* The "SS125" side cover emblem was red and white
* The engine was a 124cc OHC twin linked to a 4-speed transmission
* The carburetor was a single CV
* The serial number began SS125A-100001.

1973 CB125S0 :
* It came in two available colors: Candy Topaz Orange or Candy Peacock Green
* The gas tank stripe was white and black
* The fenders were chrome
* The front brake was a drum brake
* The instrument was only a speedometer
* The ignition used breaker points
* The engine was a 122cc OHC single cylinder with a one-piece cylinder head
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB125S-1021922.

1974 CB125S1 :
* It came in just one color: Candy Topaz Orange
* The gas tank had a black panel with white pinstripes
* The diamond-shaped side cover wing emblem was red
* The front brake was a mechanical actuated disc
* The fenders were chrome
* The instruments now had both a speedometer and a tachometer
* The ignition used breaker points
* The engine was a 122cc OHC single cylinder with a one-piece cylinder head
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB125S-1021922.

1975 CB125S2 :
* It came in just one color: Candy Riviera Blue
* The gas tank had a black panel with white pinstripes
* The "CB125" side cover emblem was white and yellow
* The chrome rear shock cover was deleted
* The fenders were chrome
* The front brake was a mechanical actuated disc
* The instruments now had both a speedometer and a tachometer
* The ignition used breaker points
* The engine was a 122cc OHC single cylinder with a one-piece cylinder head
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB125S-1021922.

1976 CB125S'76 :
* It came in just one color: Aquarius Blue
* The "HONDA" gas tank decal was red with a white outline
* The "125S" side cover decal was white and red
* The seat color was dark brown
* The instruments had just a speedometer
* The fenders were chrome
* The front brake was a mechanical actuated disc
* The ignition used breaker points
* The engine was a 124cc OHC single cylinder with a 2-piece cylinder head linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB125S-1300009.

1978 CB125S'78 :
* It came in only one color: Fire Red
* The gas tank stripe was orange, yellow, white, and black
* The "CB125S" side cover decal was yellow and white
* The fenders were chrome
* The front brake was a mechanical actuated disc
* The instruments had just a speedometer
* The ignition used breaker points
* The engine was a 124cc OHC single cylinder with a 2-piece cylinder head linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB125S-1500003.

1979 CB125S'79 :
* It came in one color: Light Ruby Red
* The gas tank stripe was red and black
* The "CB125S" side cover decal was red and black
* The front brake had a single leading shoe
* The fenders were chrome
* The instruments had just a speedometer
* The ignition used breaker points
* The engine was a 124cc OHC single cylinder with a 2-piece cylinder head linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB125S-5000001.

1980 CB125S'80 :
* It came in one color: Light Ruby Red
* The "HONDA" decal and stripe were gold with a black outline
* The "CB125S" side cover decal was gold and red with a black outline
* The fenders were also Red
* The turn signal housings were black plastic
* The instruments had just a speedometer
* The ignition used breaker points
* The engine was a 124cc OHC single cylinder with a 2-piece cylinder head linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JC04-5100001.

1981 CB125S'81 :
* It came in just one color: Black
* The gas tank stripes were red and gold
* The "HONDA" and "CB125S" decals were solid red
* The instruments had just a speedometer
* The turn signal housings were black plastic
* The electrical system used a CD ignition
* The engine was a 124cc OHC single cylinder with a 2-piece cylinder head linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2JC040*BK700005.

1982 CB125S'82 :
* It came in just one color: Candy Imperial Blue
* The gas tank stripes were light blue and dark blue
* The "HONDA" and "CB125S" decals were gold
* The instruments had just a speedometer
* The turn signal housings were black plastic
* The electrical system used a CD ignition
* The engine was a 124cc OHC single cylinder with a 2-piece cylinder head linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2JC040*CK800002.

1984 CB125S'84 :
* It came in just one color: Turuna Red
* The fuel tank pinstripes were white and dark blue
* The wing decal was gray and white
* The headlight was round
* The instruments had just a speedometer
* The turn signal housings were black plastic
* The electrical system was now a 12 volt.
* Engine: 123cc single-cylinder, OHC four-stroke
* Ignition: Solid state CD ignition
* Transmission: Wide-ratio five-speed
* Seat: Long plush seat for two-up riding
* Wheelbase: 1270mm (50 in.)
* Seat height: 760mm (29.9 in.)
* Dry weight: 99 kg (218.2 lb)
* The serial number began 9C2JC1303ER010001.

1985 CB125S'85 :
* It came in one color: Turuna Red
* The tank, side cover, and rear fender stripes were blue and white
* The "HONDA" and "CB125S" decals were white
* The headlight was rectangular
* The instruments had just a speedometer
* The turn signal housings were black plastic
* The electrical system was now a 12 volt
* The high tension electrical system used a CD ignition
* The engine was a 124cc OHC single cylinder with a 2-piece cylinder head linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began 9C2JC1308FR110001.


1968 CB160
* It came in one of four available colors:
1. Black with Silver
2. Scarlet Red with Silver
3. Blue with Silver
4. White with Silver
* The gas tank, frame, forks, and rear shocks were the basic color (black, red, blue, or white)
* The headlight and taillight were also the basic color
* The fenders and side covers were silver
* The seat was blue on the blue unit, but black on all the rest
* The engine was a 161cc OHC parallel twin with dual carburetors
* The transmission was a 4-speed
* The serial number began CB160-1000001


CB175K3 Early
* It came in one of two colors: Candy Blue with White or Candy Orange with White
* The gas tank was a two-tone with a black rubber pad
* The "HONDA" tank emblem was in the white section
* The side cover was white
* The "175" emblem was white and the basic color (blue or orange)
* The seat surface was not pleated
* The electrical system was 12-volt
* The engine was a 174cc OHC parallel twin linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB175-4000001.

CB175K3 Late
* It also came in one of two colors: Candy Blue with white or Candy Orange with white
* The "HONDA" tank emblem was in the color section
* The seat surface was pleated
* The rear shock springs were concealed
* The electrical system was 12-volt
* The engine was a 174cc OHC parallel twin linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB175-4000001.

* It came in one of three colors: Candy Blue Green with White, Candy Gold with White, or Candy Ruby Red with White
* The gas tank was two-tone with a black "HONDA" emblem
* The "175" emblem was black with a white base
* The electrical system was 12-volt
* The engine was a 174cc OHC parallel twin linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB175-5000001.

* Dual pin stripes were added to the white section of the tank
* The "175" side cover emblem was white with a black and chrome base
* The electrical system was 12-volt
* The engine was a 174cc OHC parallel twin linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number begins CB175-6000001.

* It came in two available colors: Light Ruby Red or Candy Gold
* The gas tank stripe was black with a white "HONDA" emblem
* The side cover wing emblem had a red triangular base
* The "175" side cover emblem was black with white lettering
* The headlight shell was black
* The electrical system was 12-volt
* The engine was a 174cc OHC parallel twin linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB175-7000001.

* It came in two available colors: Hawaiian Blue Metallic or Candy Orange
* The white and black fuel tank stripe had a white "HONDA" emblem
* The side cover wing emblem had a red triangular base
* The "175" side cover emblem was white with black lettering
* The headlight shell was black
* There is a chrome grip pipe behind the seat
* The instrumentation is tilted toward the rider
* The electrical system was 12-volt
* The engine was a 174cc OHC parallel twin linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB175-8000001.


1968 Honda Super Sport 350 CB350K0
* Three colors were available: Candy Blue with White, Candy Red with White, and Green with White
* The fuel tank is two-toned with white on the bottom half
* The tank also had rubber knee pads
* The upper forks were painted one of the basic colors
* The side covers and headlight shells were white
* The seat cover was not pleated
* The taillight lens was oval-shaped
* The engine was a 325cc 4-stroke OHC parallel twin with two CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB350-1000001.

1969 CB350K1
* It came in the same available colors as the previous year: Candy Blue with White, Candy Red with White, and Green with White
* A lower stripe was added to the gas tank
* The seat was pleated
* The taillight lens was rectangular
* There was a single reflector on the front fender
* The engine was a 325cc 4-stroke OHC parallel twin with two CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB350-1020596.

1970 CB350K2
* It came in one of three colors: Candy Blue Green with White, Candy Ruby Red with White, and Candy Gold with White
* The gas tank is 2-tone The side covers, upper forks, and headlight shell are the basic color (Blue-Green, Gold, or Red)
* The seat was pleated
* The taillight lens was rectangular
* The front reflectors (now two) were moved to the upper fork
* The front fender braces connect to the bottom of the fork
* The engine was a 325cc 4-stroke OHC parallel twin with two CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB350-2000001.

1971 CB350K3
* It came in one of three colors: Candy Gold, Derby Green Metallic, or Light Ruby Red
* The gas tank, side covers, and upper fork were the basic color (gold, green, or red)
* The headlight shell was also the basic color
* The gas tank stripes were black
* The engine was a 325cc 4-stroke OHC parallel twin with two CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB350-3000001.

1972 CB350K4
* It came in Light Ruby Red, Candy Gold, Candy Bacchus Olive, or Gentle Maroon Metallic
* The headlight shell was black
* The "350" side cover emblem was enlarged
* The engine was a 325cc 4-stroke OHC parallel twin with two CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB350-4000001.

1973 CB350G
* It came in one of three colors: Candy Orange, Tyrolean Green Metallic or Iris Purple Metallic
* The gas tank stripes were white and black
* The bike featured hydraulic front disc brakes
* The front fork covers were chrome and the fork boots were black
* The lower fork legs were polished aluminum
* The engine was a 325cc OHC parallel twin with two CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number begins CB350-5000001.


1974 CB360K0
* It came in two colors: Hawaiian Blue Metallic or Candy Orange
* The gas tank stripes were black and white
* The "CB360" side cover emblem was orange and white
* The front brake had a mechanical drum
* The engine was a 356cc OHC parallel twin linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB360-1000012.

1974 CB360G
* It came in two colors: Hex Green Metallic or Candy Orange
* The front brake was a hydraulic disc
* The engine was a 356cc OHC parallel twin linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB360G-1000002.

1975 CB360T0
* It came in two colors: Candy Riviera Blue Metallic or Light Ruby Red
* The gas tank stripes were black and white
* The "CB360T" side cover emblem was white and yellow
* The breaker points cover was black
* The front brake was a hydraulic disc
* The engine was a 356cc OHC parallel twin linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB360T-2000001.

1976 CB360T'76
* It came in two colors: Candy Sapphire Blue or Candy Ruby Red
* The gas tank pinstripes were black and white
* The breaker points cover was silver
* The front brake was a hydraulic disc
* The engine was a 356cc OHC parallel twin linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB360T-2200001.


400 Four (CB400F)

1975 Super Sport 400 CB400F0

* Two colors were available: Light Ruby Red and Varnish Blue
* The fuel tank and side covers were painted one of the basic colors
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-1
* The handlebars were low
* The engine was a 408cc 4-stroke SOHC inline four cylinder with four carburetors
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began CB400F-1000001.

1976 CB400F'76

* It was available in two colors: Light Ruby Red or Parakeet Yellow
* The gas tank was the basic color (red or yellow), but the side covers were black
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-1
* The handlebars were low
* The engine was a 408cc 4-stroke SOHC inline four cylinder with four carburetors
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began CB400F-2000001.

1977 CB400F'77

* It was available in two colors: Candy Antares Red or Parakeet Yellow
* The gas tank stripes were gold and orange on the red bike, but black and red on the yellow bike
* The gas tank filler cap was recessed
* The handlebars were raised
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-1
* The engine was a 408cc 4-stroke SOHC inline four cylinder with four carburetors
* The transmission was a 6-speed
* The serial number began CB400F-2100001.

1989 CB400F'89 CB-1

* It came in just one color: Pearl Presto Blue
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-1
* The camshafts were gear driven
* The engine was a 399cc DOHC 4-valve liquid cooled inline 4 cylinder linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2NC270*KM000010.

1990 CB400F'90 CB-1

* It came just one color: Pearl Presto Blue
* The "CB-1" tank logo was red
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-1
* The camshafts were gear driven
* The engine was a 399cc DOHC 4-valve liquid cooled inline 4 cylinder linked to a 6-speed transmission
* The serial number began JH2NC270*LM100010.


1967 CB450D
* It was also designated CL450K0
* It came in one of three color schemes: Metallic Silver with Black, Candy Red with Black, or Candy Blue with Black
* The upper forks and headlight shell were black
* The fenders were chrome
* The two chrome exhaust pipes were upswept one on each side
* The "450" side cover decal was on a checkerboard stripe
* The engine was a 444cc DOHC parallel twin with dual CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 4-speed
* The serial number began CB450-1000001.

1965 CB450K0
* It came in one color: Black with Silver
* The gas tank, upper forks, and headlight shell were black
* The side covers and fenders were silver
* The gas tank had chrome panels with black rubber knee pads
* The instruments were in the headlight housing
* The engine was a 444cc DOHC parallel twin with dual CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 4-speed
* The serial number began CB450-1000001.

1968 CB450K1
* It came in one of two colors: Candy Red or Candy Blue Green
* The gas tank and side covers were the basic color (i.e., red or blue-green)
* The gas tank stripe and side cover emblems were gold
* The seat surface was pleated
* The taillight lens had a rectangular shape
* The gas tank badge "HONDA" was metal
* The upper forks and headlight shell were black
* There was an independent speedometer, tachometer, and headlight unit
* The fenders were chrome
* The engine was a 444cc DOHC parallel twin with dual CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB450-3000001.

1969 CB450K2
* It came in one of two colors: Candy Red or Candy Blue Green
* The headlight shell, upper fork covers, gas tank, and side covers were the basic color (i.e., red or blue-green)
* There was an independent speedometer, tachometer, and headlight unit
* The gas tank badge "HONDA" was metal
* The fenders were chrome
* The engine was a 444cc DOHC parallel twin with dual CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB450-3008956.

1970 CB450K3
* It came in one of three basic colors: Candy Blue Green, Candy Ruby Red, or Candy Gold
* The headlight shell, upper forks, gas tank, and side covers were the basic color (i.e., red, blue, or gold)
* The gas tank badge "HONDA" was metal
* There was an independent speedometer, tachometer, and headlight unit
* The fenders were chrome
* The front braking system used a hydraulic disc
* The fork boots were black rubber
* The mufflers were megaphone-shaped
* The engine was a 444cc DOHC parallel twin with dual CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB450-4000001.

1971 CB450K4
* It was available in one of four colors: Polynesian Blue Metallic, Candy Ruby Red, Candy Gold, and Valley Green Metallic
* The gas tank, headlight shell, upper forks, and side covers were the basic color (i.e., red, gold, or green)
* The gas tank badge "HONDA" was metal
* The side cover emblem reads "DOUBLE OVERHEAD CAM 450"
* The seat changed shape and pleating design
* There was an independent speedometer, tachometer, and headlight unit
* The front braking system used a hydraulic disc
* The fork boots were black rubber
* The fenders were chrome
* The mufflers were megaphone-shaped
* The engine was a 444cc DOHC parallel twin with dual CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB450-4100001.

1972 CB450K5
* It came in one of three colors: Candy Garnet Brown, Light Ruby Red, or Candy Bacchus Olive
* The gas tank and side covers were the basic color (i.e., red, brown, or olive)
* The gas tank badge "HONDA" was metal
* The gas tank stripe was gold
* The upper fork were chrome
* The headlight shell was black
* There was a chrome strip on the base of the gas tank
* The side cover emblem reads "DOUBLE OVERHEAD CAM 450"
* The front braking system used a hydraulic disc
* The fork boots were black rubber
* There was an independent speedometer, tachometer, and headlight unit
* The fenders were chrome
* The mufflers were megaphone-shaped
* The engine was a 444cc DOHC parallel twin with dual CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB450-5000001.

1973 CB450K6
* It came in one of two colors: Brier Brown Metallic or Tyrolean Green Metallic
* The gas tank and side covers were the basic color (i.e., brown or green)
* The gas tank badge "HONDA" was metal
* The gas tank stripes were gold and black
* The "450 DOHC" side cover emblem was white and yellow
* The upper forks and headlight shell were black
* There was a chrome grip pipe behind the seat
* The front braking system used a hydraulic disc
* The fork boots were black rubber
* There was an independent speedometer, tachometer, and headlight unit
* The instruments were tilted toward the rider
* There was an independent light housing added between the speedometer and tachometer
* The fenders were chrome
* The mufflers were megaphone-shaped
* The engine was a 444cc DOHC parallel twin with dual CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB450-6000001.

1974 CB450K7
* It came in one of two colors: Candy Orange or Maxim Brown Metallic
* The gas tank and side covers were the basic color (i.e., brown or orange)
* The gas tank badge "HONDA" was metal
* The gas tank stripes were gold and black
* The "450 DOHC" side cover emblem was white and red
* The upper forks and headlight shell were black
* There was a chrome grip pipe behind the seat
* The front braking system used a hydraulic disc
* The fork boots were black rubber
* There was an independent speedometer, tachometer, and headlight unit
* The instruments were tilted toward the rider
* There was an independent light housing added between the speedometer and tachometer
* The fenders were chrome
* The mufflers were megaphone-shaped
* The engine was a 444cc DOHC parallel twin with dual CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB450-7000001.


1971 500 Four (CB500K0)

* It was also called "Super Sport 500."
* Colors:
o Candy Jet Green
o Candy Garnet Brown
o Star Light Gold
* The fuel tank panel was black
* The exhaust was a 4-into-4 system
* The engine was a 498cc SOHC inline 4-cylinder with 4 carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB500-1000001.

1972 CB500K1 "500 Four"

* It was also called "Super Sport 500."
* Colors:
o Candy Jet Green with Black
o Candy Garnet Brown with Black
o Candy Gold with Black
* The gas tank panel was black
* The exhaust was a 4-into-4 system
* The engine was a 498cc SOHC inline 4-cylinder with 4 carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB500-2000001.

1973 CB500K2 "500 Four"

* It was also called "Super Sport 500."
* Colors:
o Candy Bucchus Olive with Black
o Flake Sunrise Orange with Black
o Maxim Brown Metallic with Black
* The gas tank panel was black
* The instruments were enlarged and tilted toward the rider
* The exhaust was a 4-into-4 system
* The engine was a 498cc SOHC inline 4-cylinder with 4 carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB500-2100001.

1975 CB500T0

* One color was available: Glory Brown Metallic
* The "CB500T DOUBLE OVERHEAD CAM" decals were gold
* The pinstripes were also gold
* The seat was brown
* The instrument faces were black
* The engine was a 498cc DOHC parallel twin with dual CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB500T-1000001.

1976 CB500T

* It came in one of two colors: Candy Antares Red and Glory Brown Metallic
* The "CB500T DOUBLE OVERHEAD CAM" decals were gold
* The pinstripes were also gold
* The seat was brown
* The instrument faces were green
* The engine was a 498cc DOHC parallel twin with dual CV carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed
* The serial number began CB500T-2000001.

Honda CB500P (Police)
* The fuel tank panel was white
* The exhaust was a 4-into-4 system
* The engine was a 498cc SOHC inline 4-cylinder with 4 carburetors
* The transmission was a 5-speed.


1975 CB550F0 Super Sport 550 Four

1975 CB550F0

* Colors:
o Candy Sapphire Blue
o Flake Sunrise Orange
* The gas tank logo reads, "HONDA SUPER SPORT"
* The fork boots were black rubber
* The exhaust system was 4-into-1
* The instrument faces were dark green
* The engine was a 544cc SOHC wet sump 4-cylinder
* It had 4 carburetors and a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB550F-1000002.

1976 CB550F0

* Colors:
o Flake Sapphire Blue
o Shiny Orange
* The seat was dark brown
* The instrument faces were light green
* The gas tank logo reads, "HONDA SUPER SPORT"
* The fork boots were black rubber
* The exhaust system was 4-into-1
* The engine was a 544cc SOHC wet sump 4-cylinder
* It had 4 carburetors and a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB550F-2000003.

1977 CB550F

* Colors:
o Candy Sword Blue
o Candy Presto Red
* The gas tank stripe was gold
* The instrument faces were dark blue
* The seat was black and the fork boots were deleted
* The gas tank logo reads, "HONDA SUPER SPORT"
* The exhaust system was 4-into-1
* The engine was a 544cc SOHC wet sump 4-cylinder
* It had 4 carburetors and a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB550F-2100001.

1974 CB550K0 550 Four

* It came in one of three color schemes: Flake Sunrise Orange with Black, Boss Maroon Metallic with Black, or Freedom Green Metallic with Black
* The gas tank was 2-tone with a black panel
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-4
* The engine was a 544cc SOHC wet sump inline four linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB550-1000001.

1975 CB550K1 550 Four

* Colors:
o Candy Jade Green
o Flake Sunrise Orange
* The gas tank stripe was gold and black
* The instrument faces were dark green
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-4
* The engine was a 544cc SOHC wet sump inline four linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB550-1200005.

1976 CB550K'76 550 Four

* It came in Candy Garnet Brown
* The gas tank stripe was gold and black
* The instrument faces were light green
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-4
* The engine was a 544cc SOHC wet sump inline four linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB550-1230001.

1977 CB550K'77 550 Four K

* It came in Excel Black
* The gas tank stripe was red with a gold pinstripe
* The "550 Four K" side cover emblem was gold
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-4
* The engine was a 544cc SOHC wet sump inline four linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB550-2000007.

1978 CB550K'78 550 Four K

* Colors:
o Candy Alpha Red
o Black
* The gas tank stripe was red with a gold pinstripe
* The "550 FOUR" side cover emblem was gold
* The "K" side cover decal and stripe were gold
* The seat had a dual contour
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-4
* The engine was a 544cc SOHC wet sump inline four linked to a 5-speed transmission
* The serial number began CB550-2100001.

1983 Nighthawk 550 (CB550SC'83)

* Colors:
o Candy Presto Red
o Black
* It had a chrome rectangular headlight and a 4-into-2 exhaust system.
* Engine: Completely new compact 572cc, DOHC inline four-cylinder
* Power: 64 horsepower
* Valve train: Hydraulic Valve Adjuster system, 16 valves
* Transmission: 6-speed
* Drive: Shaft
* Clutch: Self-adjusting Hydraulic
* Suspension: Air-adjustable front forks with integrated fork brace
* Oil: Oil cooler
* Wheelbase: 1440mm (56.7 in)
* Seat height: 777 mm(31.1 in.)
* Fuel capacity: 12 liters (3.2 gal.)
* Weight: 191 kg (421.1 lb)
* The serial number began JH2PC0901DM000023

1984 Nighthawk 550 (CB550SC'84)

* Engine: Completely new compact 572cc, DOHC inline four-cylinder
* Power: 64 horsepower
* Valve train: Hydraulic Valve Adjuster system, 16 valves
* Transmission: 6-speed (5-speed plus overdrive sixth)
* Drive: Shaft
* Clutch: Self-adjusting Hydraulic
* Suspension: Air-adjustable front forks with integrated fork brace
* Oil: Oil cooler
* Wheelbase: 1440mm (56.7 in)
* Seat height: 790 mm(31.1 in.)
* Fuel capacity: 12 liters (3.2 gal.)
* Weight: 190 kg (418.8 lb)
* The serial number began JH2PC0901EM000023


1979 CB650'79

* It came in one of two color schemes: Candy Muse Red with Maroon or Black with Red
* The gas tank and side covers were 2-tone
* The pinstripes were gold
* the "650" side cover decal was red and gold
* The wheels were black comstar
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-2
* The engine was a 627cc SOHC inline four linked to a 5-speed transmission and a chain drive
* The serial number began RC03-2002472

1980 CB650'80

* Colors:
o Black
o Candy Bourgogne Red
* The brakes featured front disc with single piston caliper
* The gas tank, seat, and side cover had a new design
* The wheels used wire spokes
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-2
* The engine was a 627cc SOHC inline four linked to a 5-speed transmission and a chain drive
* The serial number began RC05-2100002

1981 CB650'81

* Colors:
o Cosmo Black Metallic
o Candy Bourgogne Red
* The bike had an air adjustable front suspension
* The brakes featured front disc with single piston caliper
* The gas tank, seat, and side cover had a new design
* The wheels used wire spokes
* The exhaust system was a 4-into-2
* The engine was a 627cc SOHC inline four linked to a 5-speed transmission and a chain drive
* The serial number began JH2RC050*BM200013

1982 CB650'82

* It came in Candy Muse Red
* The "CB650" side cover emblem was gold and red
* The front disc brake had a twin piston caliper
* The gas tank, seat, and side cover had a new design
* The engine was a 627cc SOHC inline four linked to a 5-speed transmission and a chain drive
* The serial number began JH2RC050*CM300003

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty CBX

Message  TicToc Sam 17 Avr - 12:40


CBX250 :

Model: CBX250-E
Year: 1984
Mine Type:
Trade Name: CBX 250
Start Frame No.:
No End frame:
Candle Honda
Honda Air Filter:
Honda Oil Filter:
Start engine #:
End engine #:
Front Tire:
Rear tire:
Front brakes:
Rear brakes:

Color A:
Color B:
Color C:
Color D:
Color E:
F Color:

CBX550 :

Model: CBX550F2C
Year: 1982
Mine Type: PC04
Trade Name: CBX 550 F
Start Frame No.: 2000001
No End frame: 2099999
Candle Honda 98069-58719
Honda Air Filter: 17211MA6750
Honda Oil Filter: 154A1-413-005
Start engine #: 1000001
End engine #: 1099999
Front Tire: 90/90-H18 ARROWMAX
Rear tire: 110/80-H18 ARROWMAX
Regulator: RR22
Front brakes:
Rear brakes:

Color A: PB120
Color B: NH118
Color C: R117
Color D:
Color E:
F Color:
Joint discharge Honda
Engine Oil Qty:2,5

CBX650 :

Model: CBX650ED
Country: GERMANY
Year: 1983
Mine Type: RC13
Trade Name: CBX 650
Start Frame No.: 2000197
No End frame: 2099999
Candle Honda 98069-59916
Honda Air Filter: 17211ME5000
Honda Oil Filter: 15410-426-010
Start engine #: 2000001
End engine #: 2099999
Front Tire: 100/90-H19 D103F DUNLOP
Rear tire: 130/90-H16 K825 DUNLOP
Regulator: RR21
Front brakes:
Rear brakes:

Color A: NH121P
Color B: R124C
Color C: NH1
Color D:
Color E:
F Color:
Joint discharge Honda
Engine Oil Qty:2,25

Nombre de messages : 1635
Date d'inscription : 20/09/2009

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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Correspondance des couleurs Honda avec RAL

Message  fpacou Mar 3 Fév - 23:30

Bonsoir tout le monde, trouvé sur le net les correspondances en RAL de quelques teintes Honda, ça peut aider.

candy ruby red R-4C = VW ( now VW-AUDI&n bsp;) L 31F "iberisch-rot"

fire red R-2/light ruby red R25 = RAL 300 3 "rubin-rot"

parakeet yellow Y31 = Opel ( GM ) L407 "chromgelb"

tahitian red R-23 = BMW "henna-rot"

ceramic white NH-24 = RAL 900 1 "creme-weiss"

light scarlet R-20/bright red R-8 = RAL 3002 "karmin -rot"

black/excel black NH1/NH57 = Toyota A11S black

whi te NH-0 = RAL 9001 "creme-weiss"
cayman black NH-100C = MIX 112 ( pr obably a HERBERTS special formula ?

mars orange YR-6 = BMW "inka"/ D

candy limited maroon R7 C-C = RAL 8022 "schwarzbraun"

candy antares red R-6 C-S = Opel ( GM ) L501 "royal-rot"

elephant grey NH- 4 = Triumph "slate 68"

bright yellow Y-5 = Alfa Romeo 127 "giallo po zzuoli"

might green G-31 = AUDI L62Y "signal-grün"

sulfur yell ow Y-34 = VW ( VW-AUDI ) L10A "rallye-gelb"

papaw green G20 = FIAT 3 36 "verde prato"/GE

blue angel PB-31 = AUTOBIANCHI 191 "blu tahiti"

calypso yellow Y-35 = FIAT 268 "giallo chiaro"

balmy green GY- 101 = VW ( VW AUDI ) L62D "carolina-grün"

aquarius blue PB-52 = FORD "monza-blau" 73 GH

pal green GY-5 = FORD "Le Mans grün" 72 DS

shiny orange YR 26 = Afa Romeo 531 "corallo Torre Greco"/R


Nombre de messages : 64
Age : 67
Localisation : Biarritz
Date d'inscription : 27/05/2011


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nuancier - Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda. Empty Re: Nuancier RAL et autres, Code couleurs Honda.

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